Metallic taste in the mouth

Taste receptors are located not only on the surface of the tongue, but also on the back of the throat and palate. In total there are more than ten thousand. Sometimes this sensor system does not work correctly, signaling to the brain even in the absence of food. Often patients complain about metallic taste in the mouth that occurs at different times of the day for no apparent reason. In fact, this is due to a malfunction of the taste buds.

What diseases can cause a metallic taste in the tongue?

Changes in the normal perception of taste provoke the following pathologies and body conditions:

  1. Starvation or malnutrition. Too strong restrictions in the diet lead to an acute shortage of minerals and vitamins.
  2. Hormonal imbalance. It is typical, mainly for women, especially during puberty, pregnancy, menopause.
  3. Diseases of gums and teeth, tongue. As a rule, the symptom in question is observed with gingivitis .
  4. Consequences of disorders of cerebral circulation. Some time after the stroke, the activity of the receptors may not recover.
  5. Infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Patients complain of a metallic aftertaste when coughing, nasal congestion. Clinical manifestations should disappear after recovery.
  6. Poisoning. Intoxications with insecticides and pesticides often provoke the problem described.
  7. Diabetes. The pathologies of the endocrine system and thyroid disease are associated with the deterioration of metabolic and metabolic processes, which is expressed in the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste.
  8. Mechanical damage. Injuries, scratches, abrasions in the oral cavity are usually accompanied by bleeding. And the blood, as you know, a clear taste of iron.
  9. Other diseases. Often similar symptomatology is characteristic for multiple sclerosis, violations of kidney function, paralysis of facial muscles. The most likely lesions of the liver, as they always have a metallic taste in the mouth after any food, as well as unpleasant sensations in the language in the morning.

In addition, this phenomenon is a sign of age-related changes in the body.

Metallic taste in the mouth after taking medication - what does it mean?

Some medications affect the perception of taste and the work of receptors, so the symptom described can simply be a side effect of the following medicines:

How to get rid of strong metallic taste in the mouth?

To eliminate the problem, you need to carefully study the list of side effects of medications and, possibly, change them.

If the cause of the taste of metal in the mouth is the development of one of the listed diseases, it is important to visit a specialist to clarify the diagnosis. Only treatment of the underlying illness will help get rid of its unpleasant symptoms.