Pregnancy in endometriosis of the uterus

As you know, pregnancy with the existing endometriosis of the uterus does not come as quickly as we would like. In view of the damage to the inner membrane of the genital organ, the implantation process is difficult. That is why, even after successful fertilization of the fetal egg, he does not always manage to gain a foothold in the uterus.

However, despite this, according to statistical data, approximately 30-40% of all women diagnosed with endometriosis become pregnant. Consider the violation in detail and find out: how does endometriosis affect pregnancy, is it treated with this process.

Is self-healing possible during gestation?

Answering the question of women as to whether pregnancy is possible with endometriosis, doctors do not completely exclude this fact. Moreover, physicians often point out to the woman that gestation itself has a positive effect on the disease.

In view of the fact that, after conception, hormonal changes in the body begin, the concentration of hormones changes not in favor of endometriosis. Ovarian synthesis of estrogens decreases with gestation. The formed yellow body begins to actively produce progesterone, a hypoestrogenic condition contributes to the elimination of endometriosis changes, the normalization of tissue.

Thus, the foci of endometriosis during pregnancy decrease, the body enters the stage of remission. And even if the disease does not completely disappear after gestation, the woman for the time forgets about it. Reduction of foci of endometriosis in pregnancy is already observed at early stages.

Is surgery necessary for endometriosis?

As can be seen from the above, the onset of pregnancy in endometriosis is possible. However, the chance to conceive a child is increased in women after complex treatment of the disease. The basis of it is a surgical intervention aimed at resection of lesions of the endometrium of the uterus. In parallel, hormonal and anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out.

However, this option does not exclude the recurrence of the disease. Return of symptoms of the disorder is possible in 20-30% of cases.