Poisoning with ammonia

In industry, concentrated gases are often used, in chemical plants, mainly ammonia is used. It has no color, but it has a sharp unpleasant odor. With prolonged contact with this gas, a person develops ammonia poisoning - a dangerous condition, fraught with serious consequences and even death.

Symptoms of ammonia poisoning

If you inhale the vapors of the chemical compound under consideration, the following manifestations develop:

First aid for poisoning with ammonia

To prevent complications, it is important to perform the following actions:

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Isolate the victim from further inhalation of gas vapors.
  3. Provide a person with sufficient fresh air.
  4. Rinse the mouth, nose, eyes and throat with water (procedure lasts at least 15 minutes).
  5. It is advisable to induce vomiting to clear the patient's stomach.
  6. Give a person to drink warm mineral water (still) or milk.
  7. Limit patient's speech activity.
  8. If possible, put mustard plasters or apply a warming compress on the chest.
  9. Put your feet in hot water for 7-10 minutes.

In any case, to effectively eliminate the signs of intoxication, you will have to turn to the doctor.

Symptoms and treatment of ammonia poisoning

It should be noted that the described state can adversely affect all body systems and provoke acute heart failure. Therefore, after hospitalization, an intensive therapeutic regimen is used:

  1. Gastric lavage .
  2. Infusion with a solution of sorbents.
  3. Ensuring absolute rest for 24 hours after poisoning.
  4. Treatment of eyes with dicaine (5%) followed by the imposition of a sterile dressing.
  5. Inhalations with the addition of vasoconstrictive medications.
  6. Application on mucous membranes of local medicines having regenerating properties.