Contests at the prom in kindergarten

Graduation in the kindergarten is a huge holiday for kids. Both children and adults prepare for this event. Usually this celebration is held according to a special scenario, for future first-graders prepare surprises and gifts, decorate the hall. Games and contests at the prom in the kindergarten are of no small importance. They allow you to make the morning party fun, and also give the opportunity for kids to prove themselves. To remember the holiday for a long time, you need to pay enough attention to this part of the program.

Contests for graduation party in kindergarten

Entertainment should be diverse, so that they do not bother the neposedam. You can suggest several options for the school topic, which is not indifferent to future first-graders.

  1. "Guess the subject" . The host takes a bag , into which objects that will be needed for any student are pre-arranged. It can be a ruler, pen, notebook, textbook. The children take turns putting their hand into the bag, taking the object, and guessing its name by the touch. Whoever does this unerringly will become the winner. Participate can a few kids.
  2. "Decompose correctly . " 2 children participate in this competition. Before each of them lay out the necessary in the school subjects. The leader indicates step by step how to lay them out. For example, he can say that participants put the ruler to the right of the textbook, and the notebook on the left, etc. Guys should decompose the objects, guided by these tips. He who cope with the task, gets the title of the winner.
  3. "What do I know?" Intellectual contests at the graduation in the kindergarten are a kind of test of the knowledge baggage with which the kid goes to the first class. You can play the game in the form of a quiz. The facilitator will ask the children a question, and they should try to answer correctly. Who will give more correct answers, he won. Questions can be related to the school.
  4. Interesting contests at graduation in kindergarten can be held already and at the feast stage. To participate in "Sladkoezhke" you can use an unlimited number of kids. Before each of them put a serving of jelly or cake and give out toothpicks. Guys should eat a snack as soon as possible with her help.
  5. Must be mobile lively contests at the prom in kindergarten. For example, you can hold a contest "Get the team together" . 3 children take part in it. Before each of them put on the hoop and blindfold. The rest of the kids are getting around. Participants must, with their eyes closed, find the children and bring them to the hoop. The best will be the one who was able to bring the largest number of children.
  6. On the graduation day in the kindergarten, you can use the relay competitions .

  7. "Bogatyri" . Each team is given a horse (wooden stick with a horse's head). The first participants skip to the finish line and return back to the team, where another baby sits down. Now they are moving to the finish line together. The first stays at the finish line, and the second rides back behind the next child.
  8. "Turnip . " The first participant runs to the finish line and returns for the next one, which clings to his waist. Then all the team members join in turn.
  9. "The core" . Each team receives the ball. The task of the children in turn to clamp the shell between the legs. So you need to jump to the finish line and go back. Then the ball is transferred to the next kid.
  10. The Anthill . Children are divided into teams and each participant receives a gymnastic stick. At the signal of the leader, the babies take turns running forward. They must fold the sticks so that it looks like an anthill.

It is necessary to think over the musical accompaniment for the competitions. This will make the holiday more fun and interesting.