Mangold - good and bad

Many consider chard beetroot, which is popular among culinary experts. Beautiful leaves are also used to decorate the landscape, and they are also the basis for the recipes of traditional medicine. Knowing the benefits of the leaf beetroot, it will be impossible not to include it in your diet. It is used both in fresh and processed form, for example, in cabbage rolls.

Benefit and harm of chard

The composition of leaves includes many useful substances that cause a number of important properties for the body:

  1. The blood composition is improved, the sugar content is normalized and the risk of anemia is reduced. It should be noted that the plant promotes the formation of new blood cells.
  2. Contained antioxidants help prolong the youth of the body and are essential for healthy skin and hair.
  3. The benefits of beets of chard are due to the presence of B vitamins , which favorably affect the activity of the nervous system and the brain.
  4. It is part of the calcium, which is necessary for the health of bones and teeth.
  5. It has anti-cancer properties, so it should be regularly included in your diet.
  6. The benefit of chard is also connected with its positive influence on eyesight, which helps to cope with various problems.
  7. It is impossible not to note the positive effect of the product on the work of the cardiovascular system.
  8. The leaves contain a lot of fiber, which helps to cleanse the bowels of the slag, which allows you to adjust the digestive system.

It is necessary to understand and contraindications, without taking into account which chard can harm the body. Individual intolerance of the product is possible. Do not eat leaves in large quantities, as they contain substances that can trigger the development of problems with the kidneys and gall bladder.