Amaranth - medicinal properties

This plant is considered by many a common weed, without realizing that it is a real storehouse of vitamins before them. Amaranth has a huge amount of medicinal properties. Traditional medicine knows all about the charms of this flower long ago. And now, at last, the healing properties of amaranth are gradually beginning to be remembered again.

Therapeutic properties of amaranth plants

Indeed, externally amaranth is very similar to weed, but it is not worth judging by clothes, is it? In the inconspicuous plant is stored a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and trace minerals. The amaranth contains simply an enormous amount of vegetable protein, which is necessary for any organism. The composition of amaranth is so unique that sometimes it is even compared with human milk.

The huge advantage of the plant is that all the parts of the amaranth possess medicinal properties: flowers, leaves, seeds, stems. They are all equally nutritious and taste good. The plant can be used to treat and prevent a variety of different diseases.

As part of the amaranth contains squalene - a unique substance that promotes the rejuvenation of the body and increase its immunity. Previously, squalene could only be obtained from a shark liver. Opening it as part of the amaranth became a real

Thanks to the same squalene, amaranth can be used to treat cancer. The plant slows the growth of tumors and prevents the formation of metastases.

The medicinal properties of amaranth grass make it possible to use it for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The remedy cures even complex ulcers. The flower will also help with anemia and atherosclerosis.

Amaranth amino acids even more than in soy, so the plant and is popular with vegetarians.

Therapeutic properties of amaranth oil

Although amaranth is useful in all its manifestations, oil obtained from a plant is considered to be the most effective.

The composition of the oil is vitamin E, which prevents the formation of thrombi and improves the overall condition of the vessels. Use amaranth oil is recommended for people with high cholesterol levels in the blood.

Very often with the help of a tool treat dermatological diseases. The healing properties of amaranth oil better than medicines can cope with:

Amaranth oil produces an excellent mouthwash. It:

Traditional medicine recommends the use of such a tool for gargling in the treatment of angina.

Masks with amaranth oil for hair prevent the appearance of gray hair. And this fact was confirmed even by clinical studies.

The agent in gynecology is actively used to treat:

Regular use of amaranth oil will allow you to lose weight and improve metabolism.

Precautionary measures

Despite the huge amount of medicinal properties, amaranth and contraindications are available:

  1. It is not recommended to use the remedy for people with individual intolerance to the components that make up it.
  2. Finding an alternative to amaranth is better for those who suffer from cholecystitis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis.
  3. Children do not want to give the amaranth in its pure form. It is best to combine the plant with other fruits or vegetables.

Although the amaranth is considered to be a completely harmless plant, it is necessary to consult with a specialist before starting treatment.