Simple dough for pizza

Everyone knows that pizza, cooked at home, is much tastier than purchased. Especially if all of its components: dough, stuffing and sauce - do it yourself. Today we will show you how to make a simple dough for pizza.

Simple non-yeast dough for pizza



In a bowl with high walls, break the chicken eggs and beat them with a mixer. Then we pour warm milk and olive oil to them. We sift the flour separately, and then introduce gradually the egg mixture into it, in small portions. We knead the dough for about 10 minutes. Next, we form a ball from it and shift it into a bowl, oiled. Leave to rest for 15 minutes. That's all, after the time is fast and simple dough for pizza is ready!

Simple dough for pizza on the water



In the bowl sift flour with salt, and in another bowl, beat the egg mixer. Then we pour filtered water and vegetable oil. The resulting mixture is gradually introduced into the flour, constantly stirring at the same time. Then thoroughly mix the mass, if necessary, sprinkling a little flour. Next, put it in a bowl, cover with a clean towel and leave it for 30 minutes. When the time comes out, the ready dough is rolled out with a rolling pin, shifted to a greased baking tray and filled with any filling to your taste.

Simple and tasty pizza dough for mayonnaise



In a small bowl, mix soda with yogurt, put mayonnaise, sprinkle salt, sugar and inject whipped eggs. All carefully knead to homogeneity. Next, in small portions, pour the flour and mix the dough. It should turn out to be soft, plastic and resemble dense rustic sour cream. Then we grease the baking tray with oil, spread the dough, spread it and fill it with any filling to your taste.

Simple dough for pizza on kefir



Chicken eggs beat the mixer with a pinch of salt, until the formation of air foam. In kefir we throw a pinch of soda, previously extinguished with table vinegar. Cream butter melt, a little cold and add to kefir. After that, we connect it with eggs and gradually pour the sifted flour. Gently mix everything until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. As a result, you should get a dough, about the same as a pancake, - dense enough, but not so thick to roll it with a rolling pin.

Simple yeast dough for pizza



We heat the water to a warm state, put fresh yeast into it and put the mixture in a warm place for 10 minutes. Next, pour in the vegetable oil, stir with a spoon and pour everything into the sifted flour. We mix a simple dough for pizza, wrap it in a film and leave it for about 30 minutes in the heat. During this time, it will well rise and approximately 2 times increase in volume. Then roll it out on the kitchen table and proceed to the preparation of the filling.