Mnemonics in kindergarten

Ancient Greek patroness of memory, reasoning and all names were called Mnemosyn, this name is the basis of many definitions related to memorization. To date, it has become popular such a direction as mnemonics for the development of children. The method is based on visual perception of information with the possibility of its subsequent reproduction with the help of images.

Why do we need mnemotechnics for preschoolers?

The urgency of mnemotechnics for preschool children is due to the fact that just at this age, children have a visual-shaped memory. Most often, memorization occurs involuntarily, simply because some object or phenomenon has come into view of the child. If he tries to learn and memorize something that is not supported by a visual picture, something abstract, then success should not be counted. Mnemotechnics for preschoolers just help to simplify the memorization process, develop associative thinking and imagination, and increase attention . Moreover, the techniques of mnemonics as a result of the educator's competent work lead to the enrichment of the vocabulary and the formation of coherent speech.

How to apply mnemonics in kindergarten?

Mnemonics in kindergarten, as an effective method of memorizing, is usually mastered on simple examples. To begin with, children are introduced to mnemokvadratami - understandable images that denote one word, a phrase, its characteristics or a simple sentence. Then the teacher complicates the lessons, showing me the roads - this is a square of four pictures, on which you can make a short story in 2-3 sentences. And, finally, the most complex structure is mnemotoblitsy. They are images of the main links, including schematic ones, in which you can memorize and reproduce a whole story or even a poem. Initially, the tables are educators, parents, then you can connect the child to this process, so mnemotechnics will affect not only the development of memory, but also the imagination, the visualization of images by the child. Basic techniques

memorization of mnemonics are based on associations, logical thinking, observation.

Examples of mnemonic techniques
  1. An example of mnemonics in the DOW can be tables built on the image of a sequence of processes of washing, washing hands, dressing, table setting. It is difficult for a small child to remember the whole algorithm of actions invented by adults, so visual pictures deciphered in class and self-retold, will allow the child, each time coming to the washbasin or cabinet with things, it is easy to reproduce the stages.
  2. The following examples of mnemonics are stories on mnemotables. The educator suggests preschoolers look at the table, then decodes it. For example: "Winter lasts three months. At this time of year it often snows. Snowflakes whirl in the air and cover the snow-covered blanket with paths and trees. The sun sets in winter before, so it gets dark earlier. Houses are heated in winter, so that people feel warm. For birds at this time of year, they make feeders so that they can eat crumbs. Pets hide in houses to not freeze in a court yard. But boys and girls can play with snow in winter and make funny snowmen. " Then the children reproduce the resulting story, looking at the table.
  3. Another example of using mnemonics is learning poems, when each phrase or line has its own picture. The child very quickly remembers the poem, if he can see it.