Mohair Sweater

Mohair - he is an angora - a special kind of woolen yarn. It is not valued as high as cashmere , but more than ordinary wool. Usually the product consists of mohair not 100%, but only 20-50. This is not due to the greed of the producers - it's just that this yarn has a very specific structure, so that its maximum content in the fabric can not be higher than 83%. Often, synthetic materials or silk in mohair are added to soften the fabric. By the same token, it is possible to judge to some extent the quality of the mohair. The yarn of good dressing will be soft and will not prick.

Models of Mohair Sweaters

Models of mohair sweaters are very different today. How much the product will look like, will depend, first of all, on this and then - on color.

Consider the most popular of them:

  1. An openwork sweater made of mohair is an extremely delicate and delicate thing. It will require special attention and care. It will be necessary to carefully wear all the ornaments, as well as watch the chairs, walls and other places with which you will come into contact, as they can make a clue. On an openwork sweater, the hooks are particularly noticeable, and a large one can not be filled, and the thing will be irretrievably damaged.
  2. Sweater from thin mohair . From fine yarns are produced both models in the figure, and volumetric variants. Picking a fitting thing from a thin mohair, it is worth remembering that the texture of the fabric will emphasize all the features of the figure. So choose them only if you are 100% sure in their forms.
  3. More attention should be paid to volumetric mohair sweaters - they look much more stylish. Unequivocally shown such models to thin girls (will add volume). Do not think that models oversize - will add an extra size. On the contrary - in such a sweater any woman looks more fragile, since under this "cocoon" her figure is not visible. Much worse will look a tight-fitting sweater, stretched exactly to its 48 size.
  4. A sweater of large mating is also a good option if you want to look stylish. Choose a pattern of "herringbone", going to the center of the product, or "noodles" - not fundamentally. It's hard to guess here.

The main thing in dealing with a mohair product is to follow exact instructions for care. Then your sweater will keep a neat and fresh appearance for a long time.