Maltofer during pregnancy

Despite the fact that the hemoglobin level decreases in almost all pregnant women, it must be controlled during the entire waiting period of the child. In the event that the future mother is threatened by iron deficiency anemia, the doctor will necessarily prescribe her appropriate medications that will prevent the development of this disease and compensate for the lack of iron.

One of the favorite tools of modern doctors is Maltofer, which has several different forms of release. This drug has a pronounced effect and is a fairly safe drug, but it can cause certain side effects. In this article, we will tell you how to properly take Maltofer during pregnancy, and whether it can be replaced by any analog.

Method and dosage of Maltoefer during pregnancy

According to the instructions for use, the preparation of Maltofer during pregnancy can be used in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. During the first three months of the waiting period for the toddler, this remedy is usually not prescribed, since its effect on the fetus during this period has not been sufficiently studied.

In each specific case, the correct dosage and form of the release of the preparation of Maltofer for the future mother should be selected by the physician. Most often gynecologists prescribe Maltopher Fole tablets during pregnancy, which additionally contain folic acid in their composition. This substance is especially necessary for the fetus and future mother, besides, in combination with it and vitamin C, iron is digested much better.

As a rule, women in an "interesting" position take Maltofer tablets on one piece in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening during or immediately after a meal. If the drug is used in other forms of release, its dosage in most cases is as follows:

Side effects of the drug Maltofer

Side effects after taking this remedy are rare, but they still have a place to be. Most often, women who during pregnancy took the drug Maltofer, noted that they had diarrhea or constipation from this medication. Also in some cases, there are such negative effects as nausea and heartburn, pain and discomfort in the epigastrium, as well as rashes and other manifestations of allergies.

What can replace Maltofer during pregnancy?

There are several other similar drugs that can be used in pregnant women, in particular, Sorbifer or Ferrum Lek. Some future mothers are wondering what is better to drink during pregnancy - Maltofer or Sorbifer? In fact, these drugs are completely identical and allow achieving the same results, however, when taking Sorbifer, there are much fewer side effects.