Morning gymnastics in kindergarten

To ensure that the kids have energy for the whole day, morning exercises are mandatory in each kindergarten. Performing simple gymnastic exercises not only helps children to cheer up, but also forms a correct posture, contributes to the significant strengthening of muscular strength and much more.

In addition, all the complexes of morning exercises in the kindergarten are built in such a way that inactive children are liberated and activated, and excessively excited - on the contrary, calm down and relax. Finally, daily charging adjusts the kids to a certain mode of the day.

Contraindications for morning gymnastics in a preschool institution

In some cases, the child must necessarily be relieved of gymnastic exercises, in particular if he has:

General rules for conducting morning exercises

Any set of exercises for carrying out morning exercises in kindergarten consists of an introductory, main and final parts. During the entire charge, it is necessary to alternately and gradually knead different muscle groups, taking special care so that none of the babies overdo it. In good weather morning gymnastics in the kindergarten are held outside, on cool and rainy days - in a specially equipped hall.

As a rule, gymnastics in the DOW is carried out according to the following plan:

  1. Start charging with walking and running. Kids can walk and run in a column, bypassing the hall or the area, then in pairs or one by one. End this block of exercises you can run in all directions.
  2. Then follow the swings hands up, down, sideways and in a circle. These exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the shoulder girdle.
  3. Then you need to perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs. Children wave their legs, set them aside one by one, raise, bend and straighten. Also in the complex of exercises necessarily include squats.
  4. The next step is the torso bends and turns. These exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back and abdomen.
  5. To finish the morning gymnastics is necessary not fast walking on the spot, breathing exercises or finger games.

The peculiarity of the morning gymnastics in the kindergarten by groups

Morning exercise in each subgroup of the kindergarten differs not only in duration but also in the nature of some exercises, namely:

  1. The duration of morning exercises in the younger group of the kindergarten should not exceed 4-5 minutes. To kids was interested, exercises should be presented in playful form. For example, children can be suggested to be like a bear, a fox or a horse. For exercises you can use hoops, dice and rattles.
  2. In the middle group of the kindergarten, morning exercises are also very short-lived - its duration is 5-6 minutes. Charging itself is only a little more difficult than the previous one, you can add tapes and balls as an exercise tool.
  3. Children in the older group of the kindergarten have excellent memory development, so morning exercises can be conducted by them independently. The instructor only once shows them how to perform the exercises. Cords, braids, hoops and sticks are actively used. Often, charging is accompanied by various dance and rhythm elements. The duration of gymnastics is about 8-10 minutes.
  4. Finally, the morning gymnastics in the preparatory group of the kindergarten lasts about 10-12 minutes and, by and large, repeats the previous one. As an equipment for classes can be added skipping ropes and dumbbells. In addition, a set of exercises include some sports elements using the "Swedish" wall.