Vegetarianism - the pros and cons

Different people life pushes to the transition to vegetarianism in their own way. Someone after the illness was "forced" to do without meat, and after the diet realized that, in fact, no longer wants meat. Someone was impressed by the killings of animals, seen with their own eyes. Others approach this question purely purely - "it is more useful" they say. That is why, the pros and cons of vegetarianism should be considered in the context of the specifics of the transition to such a diet. After all, that for some people is a decisive plus, for another it will be a meaningless argument of Krishna's devotees.

Origin and essence of vegetarianism

The diet, based on the abandonment of meat and the concentration on plant foods, originated in India, and the essence of vegetarianism can not be separated from the principles of Hinduism.

But we will not start with principles, but with an explanation of why the Hindus do not eat cows, considering them holy.

Living in a southern, humid and hot climate, people from birth get used to the abundance of helminths filling any living thing. One has only to pay attention to the number of vaccinations before going to India, the country of vegetarianism (from 10 obligatory vaccinations), and you will understand why they do not eat meat. It's all contaminated.

In such conditions the cult of consumption of vegetable protein was born.

Every cult should have its own essence. In this case, vegetarianism does not position itself as a way to purify the body, improve health, but as nonviolence. After all, for millions of people who prefer such a diet, the main advantage of vegetarianism is the fact that no one was killed for the next meal. That is - non-violence.

Also, vegetarians emphasize another thing dangerous for meat eaters - information. The world, as is known, is three-dimensional. It consists of matter, energy and information. The same approach we use for food: matter is a chemical structure (proteins, carbohydrates, fats), energy is calories, and information is left out.

Scientists are just beginning to study the influence of our thoughts on a glass of water, when everything is already written down in Hinduism. An animal, even if we do not kill it, bears in itself the information of the moment of death. Therefore, eating meat is the consumption of aggression, suffering. In Ayurveda, several people are responsible for killing an animal:

Contradictory benefit

Many people think that becoming a vegetarian, you will lose weight this second. Indeed, according to statistics, most vegetarians are slimmer, more cheerful and healthy meat eaters, this is certainly a plus. But there is also a mirror minus of vegetarianism - caloric content. After becoming vegetarians, you'll have to follow calories no less, because 100 g of butter for salads is already 1000 kcal, but in fact, many newly-baked vegetarians sit down, alas, not for butter, but for fried potatoes with bread. What is the weight loss?

The second controversial moment is the muscles. Since the body is deprived of animal protein, the only source of those indispensable amino acids is human muscle tissue. Here happens crucial moment. If the muscles are not used (the vegetarian is "addicted" to hypodynamia), they will be eaten mercilessly, which means that the figure will look catastrophic. If the muscles need the body (a vegetarian leads an active lifestyle), muscular dystrophy is not terrible.

And the last thing: if you go to vegetarianism, then not for raw food , or veganism. With the complete absence of products of animal origin (more precisely, milk products and eggs), the intestinal microflora is destroyed, hormonal failures become frequent.

Women have problems with the menstrual cycle, in both sexes - with thyroid hormones.