Mosquito bite - how to remove swelling?

Often a mosquito bite can cause irritation, and even swelling. This is due to an allergic reaction to a substance that enters the bloodstream when the skin is pierced by the female's trunk. Many people are interested in how harmful the mosquito bite is, and how to remove the swelling that appears after it.

What happens after a mosquito bite?

Probably, it's not a secret for anybody that only a female mosquito bites a man. This is necessary for her to receive protein from the blood, and later to lay her eggs. During the puncture of the skin with its proboscis, the female releases saliva, which contains substances that prevent blood clotting. In most people, they cause a reaction that can manifest as redness, itching, or swelling. Swelling after a mosquito bite often develops in places where the skin is very thin and tender.

How to remove swelling after a mosquito bite?

It is worth remembering that combing the bite site can lead to infection. There is also the possibility of scars. Therefore, it is necessary to remove inflammation and itching by any means.

It is very important to wash the bite immediately with soap and water. This will help remove germs and pollution. With eye swelling after a mosquito bite, you need to make a lotion with a soda solution or apply a cold compress.

For the preparation and use of soda paste it is necessary:

  1. Mix 3 teaspoons of soda with a spoonful of water.
  2. The resulting gruel is applied to the bite site.
  3. Keep until it dries completely.

A good soothing effect is the onion, a piece of which should be attached to the wound. It perfectly removes itching and redness. It can be used only on the body, but not on the face.

When swelling, eyes from a mosquito bite are well helped:

To do this, there will be quite literally a few drops of juice on the wadded disk, which you need to attach to the eye.

Many use to reduce itching and irritation lotion from alcohol and water or boric alcohol. Essential oils are considered to be equally effective, for example:

With a strong swelling from a mosquito bite, you must take any antihistamine drug that can be purchased without a prescription, for example, Hydroxysin, Diphenhydramine. They help to reduce the production of histamine and stop the itching. You can also use special drugs that help reduce inflammation, such as hydrocortisone cream.