What to do with cramps?

Involuntary muscle contractions, delivering a palpable pain syndrome and discomfort, are called convulsions . They can occur at any time of the day and affect various muscle groups, lasting from a few minutes to tens of hours. Therefore, it is important to know what to do with cramps, what emergency measures should be taken when it is advisable to call a health care team.

What to do if the fingers or the muscles of the legs and arms are cramping?

The described pathological phenomenon most often occurs in the feet, gastrocnemius and femoral muscles of the lower extremities. In such cases, you can independently remove the spasm, without resorting to a doctor's consultation.

Here's what to do if a finger or muscle cramps:

  1. Carefully stretch the affected area.
  2. Stand upright, try to be a bit like.
  3. Put your feet on a wet, cold rag.
  4. Take hold of the tips of your toes and pull your foot towards you.
  5. Pinch the skin in the damaged area, prick it with a needle or pin.

After the spasm is removed, it can quickly resume. To warn a repeated cramp it is possible, if to lie down, having put feet on the small pillow or the combined blanket.

Spastic arbitrary contractions of the muscles on the hands are stopped in similar ways. The most effective technique is stretching the affected muscle.

What to do with convulsions due to high temperature?

This form of spasm is called a febrile convulsion , in adults it is extremely rare and, as a rule, indicates the onset of an epileptic fit. Therefore, when muscle contractions occur against the background of hyperthermia, it is necessary:

  1. Lay the patient horizontally on the side, head down to the floor.
  2. Clear the place near the victim, remove sharp, heavy objects.
  3. Ensure a constant supply of fresh air.
  4. Call an ambulance.

What to do with severe convulsions throughout the body?

There are many varieties of generalized muscular spasms that can affect not only the muscles of the limbs, but also the internal organs, including the airways.

It is impossible to cope independently with such cramps, so it's important to immediately call the hospital and call specialists.