Treatment of hemorrhoids without surgery

Distribute about a problem such as hemorrhoids, is not accepted. Because of this, many patients who have faced trouble, really can not imagine all the subtleties and basic principles of treatment. The majority are sure that without surgery it will not be possible to manage without suspecting even how many modern methods of treating hemorrhoids exist without surgery. Moreover, non-surgical methods in the fight against hemorrhoids are considered priority!

When is hemorrhoids needed?

Hemorrhoids are a disease that spares no one. Faced with the problem at any age can both men and women. The reasons for the appearance of hemorrhoids are many:

Treatment of hemorrhoids may vary depending on the stage of the disease:

  1. In the first and second stages, non-surgical methods of treatment are mainly used.
  2. The methods for fighting the more serious third stage of the disease are determined by the state of health. Sometimes hemorrhoids of stage 3 can be cured without surgery, in some cases without the surgeon's intervention it is simply impossible to do.
  3. And only with the fourth - the most neglected - the stage of hemorrhoids operation is appointed unconditionally.

The view that it is possible to stop the treatment of hemorrhoids after the operation is erroneous. On the contrary, the postoperative period becomes the most responsible: the patient must adhere to the right diet, try to maintain a healthy lifestyle, practice sports (that's true, without strength exercises). Immediately after the operation, the joints must be regularly treated for their quick healing and prevention of inflammation.

How is hemorrhoids treated without surgery?

New methods of treating hemorrhoids appear regularly. Therefore, it is not so difficult to choose the most appropriate way to deal with the problem. The most popular methods are:

  1. Many patients are helped by medication. The method consists in taking special enzymes, using rectal suppositories. For greater effectiveness, the patient is prescribed baths with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. You can remove hemorrhoids without surgery with latex rings. This method is one of the most popular. The whole procedure takes no more than half an hour. The method is in the imposition of special rings on the legs of the hemorrhoids. The rings are squeezed by the feeding vessels, and the nodes gradually die, eventually (after about two weeks) tearing themselves away. In one session, you can impose only one ring.
  3. Helps to quickly cope with hemorrhoids a new laser treatment technique. This method is completely painless, bloodless and very effective. Non-surgical laser treatment is suitable for fighting both external and internal hemorrhoids . With the internal form of the disease, the nodes are burned out, and with the external form they are cut off with laser beams.
  4. If the patient suffers from bleeding, and the hemorrhoidal nodes do not fell out, most likely, the treatment will be performed by sclerosing. The principle of treatment is in the introduction of a special treatment solution directly into the nodes.
  5. Another effective way to treat hemorrhoids without surgery is infrared photocoagulation. During the procedure, the vessels of the hemorrhoidal nodes are cauterized by infrared radiation. Infrared photocoagulation is shown to patients with the initial stage of the disease, when the hemorrhoids are not too inflamed.
  6. Thanks to dezarterization, you can not simply remove hemorrhoids, but also prevent their subsequent formation.