What to think up on the second day of the wedding?

The wedding event is exciting and responsible, but the second day of celebration also requires preparation. So the questions "Where should I celebrate the second day of the wedding?", "What should I treat guests to?" And most importantly, "What dress to wear on the second day of the wedding?" Every bride asks himself. Such problems can not be left without attention, so let's talk about them, and start with the traditions of the second day of the wedding.

The second day of the wedding - traditions and customs

On the second day of the wedding, the newlyweds were awakened by relatives and friends, after which the young wife went to bake pancakes to her husband. By the way the husband started to eat pancakes, the guests determined what kind of a husband he bought for himself. If a lady likes to walk, then the husband takes a pancake from the middle. And if the girl is honest and decent, damn the first time biting off the edge. On the second day of the wedding, the parents of the bride and groom traditionally honored themselves. Thanked them, they gave, often during the celebration, all attention was paid to them. His son-in-law tried to appease his mother-in-law, and, with all of her, put on shoes for her. And the guests arranged for the parents to ride a wheelbarrow, periodically "accidentally" overturning them, sometimes in a puddle or a river.

By tradition, the second day of the wedding was not so much a holiday of the newlyweds, as entertainment for the guests. On the second day of the wedding, it was obligatory to invite mummers who tried to make the guests laugh. And the mummers met the guests at the entrance, demanding payment from them. And before the start of the celebration, the witnesses broke the plate, fortunately.

How to spend the second day of the wedding?

Holding the second day of the wedding can be more relaxed, compared with the wedding day, and maybe outdo it in color. Choose the most suitable option.

  1. If the first day you spent in the banquet hall, then on the second it will be good to go out with friends to nature. Forest, shish kebabs, gatherings around the fire will be a good continuation of the holiday. And this option is suitable not only for summer weddings, in winter you can ride on sledges, and play snowballs, and arrange a competition for the best snow woman.
  2. Strongly tired by the first day, young people can continue the wedding with a usual feast, after which all the goodies left from the last day will be eaten up. By the way, wedding cake is often eaten on the second day of the wedding.
  3. Will help to relax after a difficult first wedding day, visiting the sauna or bath. Steam room and pool will relieve stress, and help to relax you and your guests.
  4. If you are supporters of outdoor activities, you can play paintball or go out of town for skiing or snowboarding.
  5. Fans of noisy festivities can arrange a masquerade. Think of an interesting topic, notify the guests and have fun. You can arrange a marathon of dances, with performances by guests and young people.

Menu on the second day of the wedding

Treats should be less exquisite than on the first wedding day, and the number of them should also be less. After all, the second day of the wedding is a quieter holiday, and not all guests have the opportunity to stay on it. It is recommended to pay more attention to home-cooked dishes - pancakes, pies, porridge, zrazy. Be sure to include more fruit and sweet - on the first day, not all guests usually have time to taste sweets. As for drinks, it is better to choose for this day less alcohol - after a tumultuous holiday to continue to drink alcohol will not all want.

If the young depart on a honeymoon, then you can make a menu in the style of the place where the newlyweds depart.

Dress for the second day of the wedding

Choose a dress for the second day of the wedding you need in accordance with the scale of the event. It is believed that it is better to choose dark-colored dresses for this day, but this is not necessary. You can choose and bright colors, only in this case, the cut of the dress should be more simple. Ideal fit dresses-cases.

If the second day is planned to be celebrated outside the city, then the outfit will need to be selected according to the expected entertainment. Although, no one prevents you from meeting guests in a smart dress, and then change into something more comfortable.