Socially-psychological qualities of personality

Every day a person has to communicate with others, showing their communication skills and socio-psychological qualities of the individual.

In itself, the term "personality" is already a certain quality. After all, a person in himself should be educated. This formation is influenced by many qualities: beginning with upbringing, concluding with the influence of the surrounding situation on the development of man. Socio-psychological qualities are formed under the influence of interaction with other personalities, as a result of this there is a presence of formed views, social attitudes towards oneself, other people, society as a whole. Social and psychological qualities of a person are formed under conditions of interaction with social groups with which the person conducts communicative activity.

The social qualities of the individual reflect one of its main characteristics, allowing a person to occupy certain roles of public roles. Due to certain qualities, the person is an appropriate position among other people.

Social qualities in the personal structure subdivide people into three types:

  1. Athletics. Such people possess the qualities of a socially active person who aspires to be in the center of attention. Athletic seeks to win the trust of others, to take a dominant position in society. Such people are very expressive.
  2. Picnics. People of this type quickly adapt to the new environment. They build relationships with other people in society in such a way that they can freely defend their own principles and interests without creating conflict situations.
  3. Asthenics. People who are not sociable, introverts, do not aspire to acquire all kinds of connections, to make new acquaintances.

It is worth noting that the socio-psychological qualities of the individual are determined:

  1. The content of a person's worldview.
  2. The degree of integrity of this worldview, as well as personal convictions.
  3. The level of awareness of the person's own destiny in society.
  4. Interests, needs. The degree of instant switching from one to the other or their stability. Small content of needs and interests or vice versa.
  5. Specific manifestation of a set of different qualities.

So, for a successful life, a person must constantly develop social and psychological qualities. After all, their level affects the effectiveness of its activities.