Moulting in undulating parrots

If we talk in a simple way, molting is the replacement of fallen feathers in a bird with new feathers. This process is completely normal, planned by nature itself. If it happens on time, then you should not worry. But every bird lover should know its features, how long it lasts, how often every molt breed has molts.

The first molt of wavy parrots

In different creatures, it depends on the very species of the bird. If we talk about wavy parrots , then the first molt should be expected when the chick reaches the age of three months. In our wards, it will be repeated several times a year. The moulting period of undulating parrots lasts up to two months. But then the process will go a little faster. The next molt is less prolonged - about one month.

Symptoms of molting in undulating parrots

Parrots often behave restlessly at this time, they sleep badly, this process causes itching. Sometimes birds even try to pull out new plumage. It happens that even barefaced places can be seen. The first begins to drop their guns, and then feathers fall. At this time, you can notice small tubes on the pet's body. No need to worry, this is how new feathers begin to appear. After the first molt, they always acquire a more saturated and bright color.

Nature has taken care of the bird's balance. Parrot wavy during molting does not look very nice, but it can fly. The so-called helms and feathers drop out last, and not chaotically, but strictly in pairs. Try not to disturb birds in vain, do not put them under stress. The food in this important period must be saturated with the necessary elements and protein. Restlessness in the owner of a feathered pet should be caused by a sluggish moult that lasts an abnormally long time. In this case, find a good ornithologist who will examine the parrot and give advice on its treatment.