How useful are fresh cucumbers?

Cucumbers are among the top most popular vegetables. They are added to various salads and snacks, and also used for making useful cocktails. It is important to understand whether fresh cucumbers are useful for the body. Vegetables can not boast of high nutritional value, because it is almost 90% water, but with regular consumption, it still positively affects the work of the body. It is worth noting that many people use nitrates to grow cucumbers, which makes vegetables dangerous for health, so treat the choice as carefully as possible.

Is it useful to eat cucumbers?

To prove the positive effect of this vegetable on the body, scientists have conducted many different studies. To begin with it is necessary to say that this vegetable is just a find for those who want to lose weight. The benefit is low caloric content, so only 100 calories are 15 calories. Cucumbers do not contain fats, so they can be eaten in any quantities. They do not load the stomach and pancreas. Talking about how useful fresh cucumbers for women who want to lose weight, it is worth noting that the vegetable is rich in fiber, which is the main assistant of a person in cleaning the stomach of toxins and toxins, and this improves the digestive system. Another fiber , filling the stomach, creates a feeling of satiety for a long time. Many nutritionists recommend to spend unloading days on cucumbers. Another useful property - the presence of tartronic acid in the composition, which slows down the process of transition of carbohydrates to fats.

What else is useful for fresh cucumbers:

  1. Due to the unique combination of sodium and potassium ions, a mild diuretic effect is caused, which allows to remove excess fluid from the body and cope with swelling.
  2. Contained potassium positively affects the work of the cardiovascular system. By the way, this substance also helps to cope with cellulite.
  3. There are easily digestible iodine, which is important for the prevention of various problems associated with the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  4. A vegetable is recommended for people with diabetes , because it contains substances similar in composition to insulin, which help normalize blood sugar levels.
  5. The composition includes calcium, which favorably affects the skin condition and gives health to the hair.

It is also worthwhile to find out what fresh cucumbers are useful for pregnant women, since in this situation the choice of products should be treated as carefully as possible. The composition of cucumbers includes folic acid, which is important for the proper development of the child and primarily for the nervous system. In addition, a large amount of water in the vegetable helps to avoid the occurrence of dehydration.

Why can not tomatoes and cucumbers eat together?

Probably, this is the most popular tandem, used for making different salads. At the same time, doctors and nutritionists are sure that this combination not only does not bring benefits, but also harms health. The explanation is simple: when a tomato is digested in stomach, then acid is released, but the cucumber, on the contrary, creates an alkaline environment. As a result, two opposite chemical reactions are combined, and this leads to the deposition of salts, which negatively affects the work of the kidneys. If you regularly eat a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, then liver disease can develop. Another argument for the refusal of such a meal is due to the fact that a lot of ascorbic acid is included in the tomatoes, but the cucumbers completely neutralize it, because they contain the enzyme ascorbinase. That is why a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes is considered a classic manifestation of antagonism of vitamins.