Turns your head when you get up

Throughout the day the person constantly sits down or lies down, and then gets up. But sometimes when you get up you feel dizzy, you need to know why this happens and to whom to turn, so this can be a signal of serious diseases.

At dizziness a person usually darkens in the eyes, sometimes one can even see "sparkles", a feeling that the heart jumps out of the chest, there may be a slight disorientation in space. This condition can be considered as a symptom of disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Reasons for why the head is spinning with a sharp rise

The head is spinning when the body is raised:

When you move to a vertical position, the pressure drops. To compensate for this, the body provokes an increase in the frequency of heart beats (by about 10 units), which entails an acceleration of blood circulation. But the blood vessels narrow down, so most of the blood can not get into the brain. This causes dizziness. This phenomenon is also called orthostatic hypotension.

If this condition is very rare and very quickly (2-3 seconds) passes, then, then you are healthy. Just too quickly rose, so your body could not coordinate the activities of their organs, and there was a hitch in the supply of blood with oxygen to the brain. If there are no problems, then the body quickly starts to work properly.

If the head is spinning when you get up regularly, it can happen because of:

Symptoms of the fact that the cause of vertigo is a disease or condition, leading to a deterioration in overall health, include:

Having in aggregate several of the listed symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor who will perform a diagnostic examination of the work of all body systems.

How to avoid dizziness after getting up?

So that when you get up your head is not spinning, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. Before you get up in the morning, you need to turn on your side and bend, stretching your arms and legs. Then turn over on the second side, slowly press your legs to your chest and straighten up. Slowly drop your legs on the floor and align your torso. In this position, take a few deep breaths and exhalations, only after that you can get up.
  2. Adhere to proper nutrition, make sure that you get enough vitamins and the necessary micronutrients.
  3. Be engaged in feasible work, and also observe a parity of work and rest.
  4. Daily exercise: running, swimming or aerobics, also doing yoga or breathing exercises very well.

Watch your health, get up and your day will go well!