Names for Boys' Dogs

Choosing a name for the puppy is a serious and responsible moment in the life of your pet. It is necessary to not only invent the original nickname, but also take into account the individual features of the dog itself. Therefore, do not rush to call the puppy the first name that comes to mind, but try to check how much the chosen version fits your pet and likes it directly to you.

Features of choosing a name for a dog boy

When choosing a name for your four-legged friend, you should consider some general recommendations.

  1. Do not invent a nickname in advance: let the puppy live at least a few days in your home and show yourself. Even if you have dreamed of Baron or Hatiko since childhood, first observe your new favorite: maybe he will be closer to the names of Beam or Toby.
  2. Choose a name for the dog of the boy according to its characteristics: breed, size, purpose, character traits. Even if the puppy now looks like a small fluffy lump - he can grow into a big formidable dog. Consider this point when choosing between Funtik and Dick.
  3. For large dogs , the names are preferred: Lord, Baron, Tyson, Caucasus, Buran, Harold, North, Djulbars, Altai, Dick, Grief, Antey, Ataman, Atlant, Lightning, Titan, Schwarz, Wolf, Baikal, Emperor, Bahran.

    For small boys dogs, you can choose a name: Little, Tin, Small, Tofik, Filya, Buttercup, Shket, Tinkl, Boni, Chizhik, Artu, Svippi, Shustrick, Bullet, Junior, Baxig, Vintik, Pupsik, Truffle, Nobel, Proton, Gnome, Micro, Zigo, Cake, Pygmy, Karapet, Hobbit, Kid, Troll, Elf, Bublik, Freddie, Shkalik, Grosh, Sparrow, Kutsyi, Felix, Small, Elmo, Chico, Poketboy, Mikron, Kinder, Byte, Komar, Puff, Tato, Gucci.
  4. Remember that the nickname has an effect directly on the character of the dog. In this regard, it is advisable to get acquainted with the meaning of the name before calling your pet. And do not use dangerous and offensive nicknames for your dog.
  5. If you still want to single out your four-footed friend among others, you can choose one of the cool names for the boy's dog: iPhone, Pixel, Einstein, Cotopes, Tail, Asterix, Barmalay, Zephyr, Grizzly, Banana, Baxig, Snickers, Pound, Thirabeit , Print, Samsung, Google, Raccoon, Bant, Devays, Aladdin, Kvas, Darts, Dog, Matroskin, Noble, Eared, Shket, Tomato, Whistle, Hercules, Garfield, Watermelon, Bayan, Lizard, Nipple, Ward, Kent, Pie , Hamster, Fritz, Orange, Crab.

  6. Choose simple and sonorous names for dogs of boys, as they react only to the first two syllables of their name. And after choosing a nickname, use it in the original form as often as possible: do not come up with diminutive forms, because for a puppy it will be an impossible task. When the pet gets used to his nickname - you can choose a petting option and apply it.
  7. Popular names for dog boys are: Archie, Tyson, Jack, Rex Hatiko, Dick, Lord, Baron, Gray, Ray, Casper, Charlie, Buch, Max, Volt, Alex, Bony, Beam, Ricci, Caesar, Cake, Tatoshka, Oscar, Buddy, Sam, Zeus, Spike, Cupid, Nike, Kuzya, Graf, Scooby Doo, Thema, Milo, Marcel, Arnie, Simon, Richard, Chuck, Taishet, Baloo, Kai, Ram, Barney, Joni, Tedi, Chip , Umka, Nick, Balto, Bars, Rick, Pushok, Star, Ryzhik, Max, Druzhok, Gypsy, Roy, Mike, Angel, Gosha, Simba, Daimon, Leva, Fox, Phil, Alf, Damon, Kent, Dean, Ball , Walter, Altai, Karat, Maxi, Murphy, Burn, Chernysh, Ugolek, Gray.

  8. Note that most often you will pronounce the name of your pet. Therefore, choose a name that will be the same for you at the moment and for the next 10-20 years.
  9. Among the beautiful names for dogs of boys are the following: Adonis, Romeo, Lacques, Orion, Leonard, Marquis, Sebastian, Oscar, Paris, Hermes, Marseilles, Oliver, Adriel, Paphos, Julien, Griffen, Cristiano, Theodore, Silvio, Balthasar, Freud Cannibal, Vivaldi, Sinegal, Wilhelm, Rourke, Vincent, Herbert, Fernando, Tyrone, Dago, Solomon, Antey, Adonis, Goodwin, Daniel, Javier, Dario, Orpheus, Julian, Jean Christophe, Zephyr, Clifton, Carlos, Louis, Goethe, Nicolas, Aylat, Orlando, Emir, Alfonso, Rafael, Salvatore, Fabian, Alfred, Ferdinand, Flavio, Charles.

    You can choose Russian name variants for the boy's dog: Bayan, Bogolep, Tresor, Agat, Dobrynya, Borets, Branibor, Buyan, Valdai, Veligor, Gleb, Izbor, Lut, Martyn, Ratibor, Udaloy, Shemyaka, Yar, Volodar, Gradimir, Mlad , Olel, Smeyan, Daniel, Reason, Holy, Wind, Thunder, Gift, Don, Beetle, World, Fog, Miracle, Chance.

And remember that the main thing is not what name to give the dog to the boy, but in your attitude to him and care. This can be the most common name, but if you say it with respect and affection - your four-legged pet will be the most faithful friend and favorite of the family.