Neva Masquerade Cat: description of the breed

Neva Masquerade breed of cats is a species of Siberian breed , which is the pride of Russian breeders. She got her name for color-point color, which makes such a cat supposedly dressed in a mask for a masquerade.

Description of the exterior of the cat breed Neva Masquerade

As already mentioned, the distinctive feature of the Neva Masquerade cat are the points - the darker color of the paws, tail, and also the mask on the muzzle. The intensity of the coloring of the points may vary, stripes may appear along them, for example, white color in the color. This color of Neva Masquerade cats is called: color-point with white. The eyes of this cat are usually blue, but there may be other shades. Neva Masquerade cats are usually large or medium in size, cats are somewhat larger than cats. Their body is strong and muscular, the paws are not too long. Such cats have very beautiful, rich and long hair, which, depending on the season, can become thicker or less frequent. The ears of this breed are quite large. The ideal distance between them is equal to the width of the ears themselves. Sometimes on the ears you can see brushes.

The peculiarity of the Neva Masquerade breed is a strong enough health, typical for Siberian cats, as well as an increased life expectancy. Adulthood such cats reach about 5 years of their life.

The nature of the Neva Masquerade Cat

The Neva Masquerade cat is an excellent companion, she gets along wonderfully with both adults and small children. Never scratch or bite your master. He likes to communicate with people, to caress. Suspicious only applies to strangers and tries to stay away from them at a distance.

Despite the friendliness, the Neva Masquerade cat can easily find a job, if the owner has no time to regret it and play with it. Even adult cats and cats keep playful. Despite the massive physique, this cat easily moves and jumps well. The disadvantage of the nature of the Neva Masquerade cat can be considered that these cats often have their own opinion and are able to achieve the desired long time, for example, meow , if it is necessary to go into a closed room. Also, some owners note that Neva Masquerade can be hyperactive and spend too much time around the house.