Diet of Vasilisa Volodina

You can treat astrology in different ways. Someone persistently considers her pseudoscience, someone is addicted to her at the level of a hobby, and someone does not think without her of his life. The famous astrologer Vasilisa Volodina, when she was a child, realized that this was her life's work, and gave herself completely to him. She managed to penetrate the secrets of the stars and to know the depth of the meaning of astrology for all spheres of everyday life. For example, for the sphere of health and longevity. She managed to create an original and effective diet, based on the characteristics of different signs of the zodiac. This diet Vasilisa Volodina is now quite popular. The proof of its effectiveness is the astrologer herself, who regularly appears on television and in the media and looks great. Let's try to consider her recommendations about proper nutrition in more detail.

Diet Vasilisa Volodina on the signs of the Zodiac

Representatives of each zodiacal sign astrologer recommends to use only useful products for them. Their list should be determined based on whether the element refers to the earth, water, fire or air.

Diet Vasilisa Volodina for signs of the earth element, which include calves, ibex and virgins, prescribes to focus on food rich in calcium and proteins. The representatives of this group most often have problems with the musculoskeletal system, bones and joints. Therefore, they need to eat more dairy products, cheeses, legumes, cereals and low-fat red meat.

People who belong to the "air type", according to the diet from astrologer Vasilisa Volodina, should include in their diet nuts, seafood, citrus fruits, different kinds of green salads. So representatives of aerial signs of the Zodiac - Gemini, Aquarius, Libra - will be able to protect their nervous system from destruction. After all, it is their weak point.

Fire signs - Aries, Lions, Sagittarius - the astrologer advises to optimize the work of the circulatory system and normalize metabolic processes in the body. To do this, they should eat more mushrooms, broccoli , poultry meat, carrots and sprouted seeds. But eating eggs and butter containing large amounts of cholesterol should be limited.

Cancers, Scorpions and Pisces, related to the water element, you need to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Their weak place is the digestive organs, and the fiber from plant products contributes to the improvement of the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Also people of "water type" are shown porridges from whole grains, beans, potatoes.

The essence of the lunar diet Vasilisa Volodina

A special section of the astrological diet of Vasilisa Volodina is a menu for each day, compiled taking into account the lunar cycles. You can start it shortly before the full moon. Following the recommendations of the astrologer concerning the daily diet, you can not only get rid of fat deposits, but also cleanse your intestines from toxins, strengthen immunity, improve the skin condition.

Vasilissa Volodina's lunar diet is designed for 6 days, and the seventh day leaves free. It can be made "unloading" or "bootable" depending on the results achieved earlier and the needs of a particular person. On the first day, the astrologer advises eating soups, stewed vegetables and seafood. In the second, stop only on boiled vegetables and juices from them. The third day is raw food ; the fourth - sour-milk products and again stewed vegetables. In the fifth and sixth days you need to be from carbohydrate and protein foods. On the last day, you should drink a lot to remove the remains of toxins from the body.