Bacteria in the urine during pregnancy

Urinalysis is the most frequent of all tests performed by a woman during pregnancy. With his help, the doctor diagnoses those or deviations in the health of a pregnant woman, even if she does not feel it at all. When found in the urine of bacteria in pregnancy, they talk about bacteriuria of pregnant women.

What does the appearance of bacteria in the urine?

The presence of bacteria in the analysis of urine indicates that there is an infection in the urinary tract. Bacteria can also indicate the development of inflammatory processes in the kidneys. It can be both a cystitis, and a pyelonephritis as the probability of development of these diseases during vynashivanija the kid considerably grows.

Neither for the future mother, nor for the child in this state there is nothing good. Especially dangerous is the so-called asymptomatic bacteriuria, when infection passes without special signs, and therefore this condition is not detected in advance.

Causes of the appearance of bacteria in the urine

Causes that caused the appearance of bacteria in the urine of pregnant women, may be mass. This is due to the fact that in the body of a woman who is carrying a child, conditions favorable for the development of various microorganisms are constantly created. Urine can stagnate, causing bacteria to multiply. The growing uterus can begin to put pressure on the kidneys, thereby disrupting their normal functioning.

The cause of bacteriuria can be hormonal changes, as well as the physiological characteristics of a woman (for example, a short urethra when the urethra is in the immediate vicinity of the rectum). Increased levels of bacteria in the urine can occur after sexual infections, as well as in those women who have chronic diseases of the genitourinary system. The risk of bacteriuria is high in women who have many sexual partners and do not care about intimate hygiene. In pregnant women, bacteria in the urine can appear even with a decrease in immunity or ordinary caries.

What to do if bacteria are found in the urine?

Many women during pregnancy experience bacteriuria. When pregnancy is more frequent than in the ordinary state.

After detection of bacteria in urinalysis, as a rule, repeated analysis is assigned to exclude the possibility of error. If the presence of bacteria is confirmed, then treatment is immediately prescribed, as bacteriuria is the first sign of infection of the urinary tract, which can lead to premature birth or miscarriage.

Since bacteria in the urine of pregnant women are found several times more often than non-pregnant women, then as soon as a woman becomes registered for pregnancy, she is screened and during the entire period of gestation she regularly passes urine tests.

How to treat bacteria in the urine?

The main agent in the treatment of bacterial infection is antibiotic therapy. But doctors are trying not to resort to such radical measures at once, and therefore, if a lot of bacteria are found in the urine of a pregnant woman, first natural preparations are prescribed, for example, Kanefron, Tsiston, and cranberry mors, cowberries, kidney tea . In this case, a woman should adhere to a diet, eliminating from the diet fatty, spicy, spicy, pickled products.

After two weeks of treatment, a control analysis is performed. In the event that the bacteriuria has not disappeared, then a course of antibiotics is prescribed. Currently, there are many antimicrobial drugs permitted in pregnancy, in which side effects are minimized. The use of antibiotics ensures the elimination of bacteriuria. But the most important thing is not to self-medicate. Any medicine can be prescribed only by a doctor.