Naughty little finger on the left hand

The human nervous system covers all parts of the body, even the fingertips. Therefore, violations in her work can provoke a lot of unpleasant symptoms, one of which is a complaint that the little finger on his left arm grows dumb. Most often, women suffer from this condition, especially after the age of 40. To draw up the right treatment plan, you need to accurately identify and eliminate the causes of such phenomena.

Causes and treatment of the condition, when the pinky on the left arm grows dumb

The simplest explanation of the feature described is mechanical damage to the finger. Often, injuries of the elbow joint are accompanied by this symptom.

If the little finger on the left arm is numb all the time, the reasons can be as follows:

  1. Wrist, tunnel, carpal syndrome. Pathology develops as a result of prolonged systematic work, characterized by limb overloads. As a result, there is compression and inflammation of the nerve, impaired transmission of impulses. The syndrome is accompanied by rare attacks of drawing pain.
  2. Intervertebral hernia. Similar to the previous point, there is a strong infringement of the nerve root, which reduces sensitivity in the hand and little finger.
  3. Neuropathy of the ulnar nerve. The pinky is innervated from the elbow joint. Therefore, any diseases of the autonomic nervous system in this area provoke numbness of the finger.
  4. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The ulnar nerve originates at the base of the neck. Due to the disturbance of the damping functions of the discs between the vertebrae, its conductive abilities deteriorate strongly, as does the sensitivity in the limbs.
  5. Atherosclerosis of peripheral arteries. The deposition of cholesterol or lipid plaques on the walls of the vessels leads to their rapid narrowing, and, accordingly, to a decrease in the intensity of blood circulation in the tissues. As a result, there is numbness of the fingers, a feeling of tingling in them, crawling "goosebumps".
  6. Scalenius syndrome. Pathology is characterized by damage, inflammation or infringement of nerves and roots in the costal-clavicular gap. In addition, the disease is provoked by the destruction of blood vessels.
  7. The syndrome of a small pectoral muscle. Most often this disease affects athletes (heavy athletes), because the cause of its development is micro- and makrotravmatizatsiya pectoral muscle. Owing to its overstrain, trophic tissue deteriorates, the trunks of the subclavian artery and the nervous brachial plexus are squeezed.

When diagnosing it is important to pay attention to the localization of discomfort and subjective symptoms. For example, if the tip of the little finger on the left hand grows dumb, the provoking factors may be:

What should I do if my little finger grows numb only on my left arm?

It is impossible to find out what the reason for the described state is. As you can see, these factors too much, to determine what the origin of the symptoms (endocrine, neurological, cardiovascular or inflammatory) can only be a specialist.

A number of studies are required for diagnosis: