Air embolism

The complex and frightening term "air embolism" actually means air in the blood. With air embolism, even small vesicles can clog vessels, which, of course, is undesirable for the body. Moreover, in some cases this problem can even be deadly.

Air embolism - what is it?

This problem is rare, mainly with damage to large veins. Air bubbles move along the body together with blood first along the large vessels, gradually moving to small vessels.

Air embolism may well lead to death if bubbles penetrate the heart or block the access of oxygen to vital organs. If there is air in the blood, there is a high probability of rapid death, so at the first symptoms, you need to immediately seek the help of specialists. If there is no change in the state of health, then, most likely, the bubbles simply dissolved in the blood.

Air embolism are the main symptoms

Fortunately, recognizing air embolism is easy enough. Symptoms can not be overlooked, and they look like this:

All these are the most common signs of air embolism. In addition, you need to be prepared for the fact that loss of consciousness during embolism can even be accompanied by cramps. And if the air enters the arteries feeding the heart, the possibility of a heart attack or stroke is not ruled out.

Causes of air embolism

Remembering the main symptoms, you can recognize air embolism quickly enough. And knowing the reasons that lead to the problem, the preliminary diagnosis process can be reduced to a minimum.

So, it begins with the fact that such a problem, like air embolism in itself, is not taken from nowhere. Air in the blood can get through the deformed walls of the vessels. That is, if somewhere on the wall of the vessel there is even an imperceptible lumen, then during inhalation air can get into it with a very high probability.

Other factors contributing to the development of air embolism are:

  1. One of the most common causes is trauma, which caused the rupture of the blood vessel. The more the wound is, the more air can penetrate the blood. Accordingly, the greater the risk of air embolism is for the body.
  2. There is a high probability of developing an air embolism in violation of the rules for the introduction of intravenous injections. Even a small amount of air left in the syringe can lead to very serious and even tragic consequences.
  3. Air divers embolism, submerged with compressed air. If you go up from a great depth too quickly, the air can penetrate the blood.
  4. Air embolism can also occur if there are violations of blood transfusion rules or during vascular surgery.

What can be done?

Air embolism needs to be treated in the hospital, where it is necessary to connect to the device ventilating the lungs. Qualified physicians should conduct a series of resuscitation measures, as a result of which the air dissolves, and the threat to life recedes.

If the embolism occurred as a result of air through the wound (the wound is visible, there is a characteristic sound of air seeping through it), then the only thing that can be done as a first aid is to close it with dense material and firmly bandage. The patient should be very carefully moved to a sitting position.