Knee injury

In winter, the number of people who go to the emergency room is significantly increased. Most often, patients complain of damage to the coccyx and a knee injury. Usually we do not treat knee injuries seriously, but in vain - without timely medical assistance they can be dangerous.

How to treat a knee injury?

If you fell to your knees, or received a knee injury in another way, the treatment should include two phases - first aid and rehabilitation procedures. First aid for a knee injury is designed to prevent the appearance of a large hematoma and extensive hemorrhage, and also to fix the joint in the most physiological position. The scheme of actions is as follows:

  1. Apply ice directly to the site of the injury, or a cold object. Do not allow dirt and foreign substances to enter the open wound. With the help of cold, blood vessels can be narrowed and internal and external bleeding can be stopped. Subsequently, swelling will be much less.
  2. Fix the knee joint with a dense bandage, or an elastic bandage. The leg should be in the most comfortable position to reduce pain. Try not to straighten the leg completely and do not bend it too much, so as not to provoke a dislocation.
  3. Take an anti-inflammatory analgesic drug (Analgin, Paracetamol, Diclofenac, Spasmalgon).
  4. If necessary, consult a doctor.
  5. After 2-3 hours, you can use external means to relieve pain and inflammation ( Menovazine , Levomekol, Diclofenac in the form of ointment).
  6. Ensure that the knee is at rest for as long as possible, so that the joint can regenerate with its own resources at the optimum speed.

If all items are met correctly, the unpleasant consequences of a knee injury will be minimized. Of course, in the event that it is not a serious injury.

Severe bruise of the knee - what to do?

What to do if as a result of a knee injury it is very swollen, depends on many factors. First of all - from the amount of damage. If the swelling does not fall overnight, there is a cyanotic and throbbing pain in a state of rest, most likely, that you have a dislocation, or fracture. With your own strengths in this case can not cope, you need to see a doctor.

If you are able to step on the bruised leg, the pain gradually goes away, but the swelling does not subside, you can treat the consequences of knee injury folk remedies:

  1. Apply a compress of crushed fresh plantain leaves.
  2. Use ointment sabelnik or broth sabelnik.
  3. Lubricate the knee with hare fat and apply a warming bandage.
  4. Apply a mixture of aloe and raw potato juice to the site of the injury.

Possible complications

With a knee injury, first aid should be given as soon as possible to avoid complications. The structure of the joint can provoke the accumulation in the calyx of the knee of blood, lymph, or other fluid. As a result, treatment will become very long and complex.

If a fluid has collected after a knee injury, the problem will be solved only by a puncture, that is, a puncture. This procedure should be carried out only Surgeon-Traumatologist. The most unpleasant thing is that without proper care, the liquid will accumulate in the knee throughout the rest of life, which not only causes discomfort and pain, but also limits mobility. In order for this to happen, it is necessary to carry out rehabilitation after a knee injury. It:

More details about the process of recovery after injury will be told to you by your doctor.