Can I get pregnant with kvass?

Despite the fact that kvass is considered an indigenous Russian drink, historians believe that its homeland is Ancient Egypt: already six thousand years ago, residents of the Nile valley were preparing a thick drink of barley. In Russia kvass is known for more than a thousand years, and over the past centuries, more than 500 recipes of this refreshing drink have been collected. And today, on a hot summer day, it's so nice to take a sip of fresh cold kvass. But if you are expecting a baby, then you will inevitably have a question: "Is it possible to drink kvass to pregnant women?". We will try to answer it.

Whether it is possible kvass at pregnancy?

Despite the fact that natural kvass contains a small amount of alcohol, it is extremely useful for a future mother. In kvass contains vitamins of group B, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium and other macro- and microelements, a number of amino acids and enzymes. Kvass during pregnancy not only quenches thirst, but also normalizes metabolism in the human body , the work of the gastrointestinal tract, has a laxative effect, it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, suppresses the multiplication of pathogens and strengthens the immune system. Therefore, on the question "Can pregnant women get kvass?" Doctors, most likely, will answer in the affirmative, adding at the same time that everything needs a measure.

Despite all the benefits and value of an invigorating drink, you can not drink kvass during pregnancy.

Who is contraindicated in kvass during pregnancy?

This kvass - product of fermentation, getting into the gastrointestinal tract, it can cause the formation of gases. If the future mother has increased uterine tone or there is a threat of abortion, gassing in the intestine can trigger miscarriage or premature birth.

In addition, kvass has the property to hold water in the body, which is undesirable for a pregnant woman in the last weeks - there may be swelling. Therefore, if you have gestosis in pregnancy , severe hypertension or a tendency to swelling, it is best to refrain from using kvass.

Doctors do not recommend drinking kvass during pregnancy to women with peptic ulcer disease, gastritis, urolithiasis or tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. Do not drink kvass during pregnancy, if you have never tried this drink.

What kind of kvass can you drink pregnant?

Today in stores you can find kvass for every taste. However, bottled kvass almost always has nothing to do with natural. In most cases, a carbonated kvass drink is sold in plastic bottles and tin cans. The aroma and taste of kvass in this case, most likely, of artificial origin.

Do not rush to the barrels and cisterns: kvass, sold in bottles, is not always safe. The future mum should not drink such kvass if the drink has unnatural color, sour-bitter taste or strong smells of yeast. Moreover, not all sellers comply with sanitary and hygienic standards.

Pregnant you can drink homemade kvass. And the benefits, and the quality of such a drink will not cause any doubt. And you can cook it using the following recipe.

Slices of rye bread dry in the oven so that they brown. Crisps (500-700 g) pour boiling water (4-5 liters), close and let it brew for 3-4 hours. Obtain the resulting wort, add yeast diluted in warm water (10-15 g), granulated sugar (100-150 g), mint (10 g), cover with a napkin and leave ferment for 10-12 hours. After the appearance of foam again strain and pour into half-liter bottles, putting in each of five highlights. The bottles are tightly closed, soak for 2-3 hours at room temperature, then put in the refrigerator. Kvass will be ready in 3 days.