Varicosity of the lower extremities - symptoms, treatment

Varicose veins are irreversible. This disease, which is more often diagnosed in women. Affect the disease can veins in any part of the body. But mostly specialists have to deal with the treatment of symptoms of lower limb varicose. And the earlier the fight against the disease begins, the easier it will go. Otherwise, its manifestations will increase, and the patient's well-being will deteriorate sharply.

Causes and Symptoms of Varicose Veins of the Lower Limbs

Causes and factors that have to the development of the disease, there are a lot. Varicose asterisks and nodules appear most often due to problems with venous valves and thinning of the walls of the vessels. As a result, the pressure in the veins increases significantly, and they can stretch.

The main factors leading to the appearance of symptoms of varicose veins of the deep and superficial veins of the lower limbs are:

Sometimes, varicose veins may also become a consequence of a surgical procedure or an injury.

The first symptom of varicose veins of the lower extremities is the swelling that appears on the legs at night. At the same time, the patient suffers from a feeling of heaviness, while the calves seem to burst from the heat. As a rule, after small physical exertion or long rest, during which the legs are in a horizontal position, these signs of the disease disappear. But over time they appear again.

In some patients, a symptom of varicose veins of the internal veins of the lower extremities is observed, like swelling of soft tissues. It often spreads to the ankles, the lower part of the lower leg and the foot. And if this symptom of the ailment does not begin to be eliminated on time, there may be seizures, formation of a copy on the legs and the appearance of severe aching pains.

Treatment of varicose veins of deep and superficial veins of lower extremities

The choice of treatment directly depends on when exactly it was started. At the initial stages, varicose veins can be overcome with the help of special gels and ointments. Means have a calming effect, relieve swelling and a feeling of fatigue in the legs. Moreover, they act very quickly.

Treatment for lower limb varicose at a more advanced stage can be as follows:

  1. Patients with an ailment developed against a background of venous insufficiency are prescribed venotonicks . These drugs relieve soreness, reduce swelling, normalize blood circulation in the extremities, and most importantly - strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Medications are also effective in treating deep-vein varicose veins.
  2. When the first symptoms of the disease appear to people with obesity, it is urgent to begin to follow a diet. From the diet it is necessary to exclude fatty, sharp, salty dishes and add foods, in large quantities containing rutin and ascorbic acid.
  3. In especially difficult cases, varicose veins of the lower limbs can only be treated quickly. During surgery, the affected vein is simply removed. And that the blood circulation in the leg should be normal after the operation, the patient will have to wear special elastic bandages and stockings.
  4. The most modern method of treatment is sclerotherapy . The essence of it - in isolation of a sick vein with the help of special substances. The vessel is sealed from the inside and stops functioning.