Nauseating and dizzy

Problems such as dizziness and nausea can be caused by certain unfavorable external factors and represent an isolated case. But in some situations, these symptoms are signs of serious diseases of the body, so it is important to find out in time for what reasons you feel sick and dizzy, and take appropriate treatment measures.

Why dizzy and vomiting?

First of all, such conditions can arise due to overwork, insufficient night rest. Because of such violations of the regime of the day, the brain is not adequately supplied with blood and there is dizziness, a desire to lie down or sleep.

Other non-dangerous causes are:

These factors are rare and temporary phenomena, so if you feel dizzy and nauseous for one of the reasons listed above - just lie down and relax, you can drink a cup of strong black tea with sugar. After your condition returns to normal, pay attention to your lifestyle, daily routine, diet. Perhaps a small correction is needed.

Nauseated or dizzy and weak - causes of the condition

In situations where the described clinical manifestations are combined with a partial loss of orientation in space, a violation of coordination or fatigue, we can talk about such diseases:

Long-term presence of dizziness and constant weakness is the reason for immediate treatment for help in the clinic. The therapist will assign a list of necessary studies, including dopplerography of vessels, magnetic resonance imaging, blood biochemistry, ultrasound diagnostics. Treatment is selected according to the severity of the pathology, age, lifestyle, work capacity and well-being of the patient.

The head is sick or dizzy and vomiting

Dizziness with the simultaneous appearance of pain in the region of the temples and occiput testifies to exacerbation of migraine. Most often, these symptoms occur at the very beginning of the aura period preceding the onset of the disease.

In addition to nausea, it is also noted:

Another possible reason, due to which the head with sharp pain is nauseated and dizzy, can be a mental, emotional overload. As a rule, hypochondriac and impressionable people, more often women, are subject to such conditions. They arise due to the upcoming exciting events, both positive and negative, public appearances and even on the eve of an important decision. Dizziness, pain syndrome and nausea in this case is psychogenic and can be well treated with plant antidepressants , sedatives, relaxants.