Rahat-lukum - calorie content

It is difficult to find a person who does not know what rahat-lukum is. It is a sweetness that it is difficult to confuse with something else. If you are worried about the caloric content of rahat-lukum and its influence on the figure, you can not worry much. For 100 grams of this dessert there is somewhere 320 calories. This is not very small, so you do not need to abuse it, but you can not say that it was a monstrous lot. In general, we are talking about the average caloric value. They largely depend on what is made of eastern sweetness. According to the classic recipe, sugar is included or molasses, starch, water and nuts can be included.

Here it is necessary to calculate from what kind of sugar is taken (normal or reed, in what proportions, fluctuations are allowed not particularly significant, but allowed). And more important to determine the caloric value of lukuma - is there any additives. For example, the number of nuts. Nuts can be used very differently, it can be hazelnuts, peanuts (which also happens to be different), pistachios . In general, the caloric content of lucum with nuts is slightly increased, on average, it is equal to somewhere 376 calories per 100 grams. But such a lucum is much more useful, just due to the content of nuts in it.

Calorie content of rahat lucum

Naturally, to abuse this sweetness because of the large amount of glucose is not recommended. This can negatively affect the level of sugar in the blood, which is quite dangerous for people who have a predilection for diabetes. Also, do not give this food in too large quantities to individuals with problems of excess weight, because of the caloric value of delicacies.

The caloric content of lukuma prevents it from eating with a diet. Unless a few things a day to be pampered, no more. But here you need to strictly control yourself. Of course, if you are directly interested in the caloric content of lukuma, then the composition should be interested in the first place. For example, there is a fruit variant, where fruit syrup is used instead of water. There caloric content is higher. And there is also the delicium made on figs. Here, too, quite high saturation rates. Much depends on how much sugar is used. Sometimes locum (the second name of lukuma) is quite unsweetened, and sometimes it can be cloying. In a word, it is quite difficult to talk about something specifically and unambiguously.

Rahat-lukum for children

In general, it can not be said that this sweetness is exceptionally harmful. It contains glucose, which is useful for the work of the heart and for maintaining the body in a normal state, in tone. Sometimes a few snacks of delicacies a day can prevent the development of a neurotic condition. It helps lukum and depression, not for nothing in the legend of his birth, says that the sultan was in a very bad mood, while his confectioner did not invent the delicacy, which he later became his favorite.

But is it possible to give it to children? On the one hand, sweet toddlers do not hurt, and in reasonable quantities it is even useful to them. For example, it gives that energy, which can later be completely burned in large quantities, especially if the child is active and mobile. On the other hand, too much glucose can knock down blood sugar. In some children this can lead to disruption of the pancreas.

So, you need to be careful with this delicacy. And if you are going to give it to children, it is better to choose a variant with nuts, figs or with pieces of fruit.