Nettle - medicinal properties and contraindications

Many people think that nettle is harmful, it has a lot of contraindications and medicinal properties can not be. This plant has managed to gain notoriety. One unexpected touch is enough to remember it for a long time - the burn sometimes turns out so painful. But in fact, if you find the correct approach to the nettles, it can bring a lot of benefits.

Therapeutic properties and contra-indications of nettle for women

In that it stings, the plant is not to blame. This nature took care of it - she covered the leaves with microscopic hairs covered with formic acid and histamine. Upon contact with the skin, the substances come into reaction, and a burn is obtained, which, by the way, can be neutralized if it is quickly treated with a concentrated saline solution.

As with any healing plant, the leaves, roots, stems, grass seed nettles have both medicinal properties and contraindications. A useful effect is achieved through a rich and diverse composition. Nettle contains vitamins (A, B, C, E, K), tannins, copper, chromium, silicon, enzymes, organic acids, phytoncides, flavonoids.

Medicines based on plants:

If there are no warnings and contraindications to the use of nettle juice, its medicinal properties can be used by young mothers to increase the amount of milk.

Some representatives of the fair sex have experienced the benefits of losing weight with the plant. If you eat it, kilograms go away much faster. All due to the fact that the nettle is quickly saturated, respectively, the amount of food eaten decreases. And in parallel with this, metabolic processes are accelerating.

Before using medicinal properties and starting to drink nettle, you need to know about the contraindications to the use of plants. There are not many of them:

In addition, medications from nettle are not recommended for bleeding caused by diseases of the uterus and appendages.

Application of nettle

Those who are not contraindicated with the curative properties of nettle and can help, you need to know the recipes for the preparation of medicinal products:

  1. For the broth you need a couple of tablespoons of a dry mixture and 0.5 liters of boiling water. The medicine should be infused for two to three hours. And then express it and drink a third of the glass before eating. All the medicinal properties and contraindications make of nettles broth an excellent means for hair. It can be used in its pure form, but it is better to add in the liquid table vinegar (the proportion should be about 1: 1).
  2. To prepare the juice, all parts of the plant must be thoroughly washed and passed through a meat grinder. A ready-to-use remedy should be taken on a tablespoon three times a day.
  3. From the juice, if desired, you can prepare honey. 3 kg of the plant will give approximately 300 gr. liquid. Add in it 0.5 liters of ordinary honey, and useful sweetness is ready. Spoon it a day, and the body will become younger, the pressure will normalize, the pancreas will improve.