Dill - medicinal properties and contraindications

Dill - perfectly well-known annual plant. Many do not imagine what it's like to not add it to your favorite dish. Rich taste and truth makes different recipes more interesting and spicy. But besides this, dill has medicinal properties and contraindications. It can be used to treat various diseases. And the dill reviews how the drug is getting very good.

Healing properties of dill

On the useful properties and contraindications of dill, alternative medicine has been known for a long time. The plant contains a fairly large amount of medicinal substances. Among the components of the composition are:

If there are no warnings and contraindications to the use of useful properties of green dill, it can be used for such purposes:

  1. Regular use of dill activates the hematopoietic processes. All due to the fact that the plant contains iron in a very easily digestible form. It promotes the formation of hemoglobin, and the presence of folic acid is responsible for the production of erythrocytes. These pieces of blood are connected, and the blood is saturated with oxygen.
  2. Strengthening action ensures stable operation of the heart and cardiovascular system. Due to anetine, the vessels in the main muscle and brain expand.
  3. Even a small amount of greenery is enough to increase the appetite.
  4. In the absence of warnings and contraindications, the useful properties of dill grass can be used to reduce pressure. The agent is shown to hypertensive patients.
  5. The plant can have a sedative effect. Therefore, it is recommended to use it under stress, as a sleeping pill, soothing.
  6. Greens favorably affect the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. With ulcers, it is sometimes prescribed instead of an anesthetic. Dill also helps to normalize the digestion process.
  7. Veterinary action allows the plant to be used to combat flatulence and bloating.
  8. In the composition of this herb - a large number of antioxidants and organic acids. They purify the body of toxins, slags and other harmful substances.
  9. As practice shows, people who consume dill are more resistant to infections. Their immune system independently cope with negative external influences.
  10. If the roots of dill are not forbidden and not contraindicated, their useful properties can be used to heal wounds and abrasions. Means prepared on its basis, have an anti-inflammatory effect and contribute to the speedy regeneration of tissues.
  11. The oils in the grass have an expectorant effect. That's why experts recommend to frown on the patients suffering from cough . Spice liquefies phlegm and promotes its excretion.

Contraindications to the use of dill

As with any medicine, dill, in addition to useful properties, for women, there are contraindications:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to treat spices for people suffering from allergies or individual intolerance to certain components of the composition.
  2. Do not use dill hypotension. The herb drastically lowers blood pressure, and with hypotension it can cause weakness, nausea, provoke fainting or even partial temporary loss of vision.
  3. With caution to use for the treatment of greens need patients who have diagnosed large stones in the bile ducts. Substances contained in dill contribute to the active production of bile and its excretion. Against the background of which the attack can begin.