What helps hawthorn?

Since ancient times, hawthorn berries have been a delicacy for people and birds. But they were not only tasty, but also extremely useful. In this healing properties of this shrub are recognized by folk and official medicine. The spectrum of its action is wide enough, so it is worth to clarify what helps hawthorn. Its useful effect is due to the original chemical composition.

What substances are included in the hawthorn?

In the composition of this plant, tannins, flavonoids, pectins are found.

In the bones of the fruit contains up to 76% of the healing oil, and the berries are real wealth, because they contain a lot of important for human life trace elements, such as copper, iron, magnesium and others. The combination of components that make up hawthorn makes it especially valuable for health.

What kind of diseases does hawthorn help?

  1. The use of hawthorn and fresh berries has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.
  2. It has a vasodilating effect, thus helping to lower blood pressure.
  3. Many know what helps hawthorn: its drugs have a calming effect, and berries are often used in cardiac drugs.
  4. Tannins of the plant have an astringent effect on diarrhea.
  5. For hawthorn preparations, a unique property is characteristic: they can bind and remove heavy metals from the body, including strontium.

Many know the healing effect of tincture of hawthorn, but not everyone knows the list of diseases, from which it helps.

Application of hawthorn tincture:

  1. The main use of the drug - for various heart diseases, including angina, ciliary arrhythmia, tachycardia, etc.
  2. It is effective in reducing blood pressure.
  3. The drug is used to normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood .
  4. As a restorative - in the elderly and in the postoperative period.