How much after a meal can you exercise?

The information that after eating, it is not recommended to expose the body to any physical strain, has been known since school days. If you neglect this advice, you may experience a feeling of discomfort, fatigue and even nausea. That's why it's important to know when you can exercise after a meal so that training can only benefit and was really effective. It should be said that on account of whether it is worth eating before sports, there are many different opinions, and some generally prefer to train on an empty stomach. In all these issues it is necessary to understand once and for all.

How much after a meal can you exercise?

Food is the main source of energy that a person spends, including in sports. To rework food and get from it the necessary substances, the body needs time and during this period to train, that is, to expose itself to additional load is not recommended.

Why not go in for sports after a meal:

  1. If after eating a little time has passed, then any training will certainly cause a feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the stomach. In addition, food provokes an increase in the level of serotonin in the blood and the person feels comfortable and slightly drowsy, which means that the effectiveness of training at this time falls significantly. Experienced coaches, talking about how long after a meal can not engage in sports, give the most often the same answer - 2-3 hours.
  2. Engaging in sports after a solid meal, a person slows down the digestion process. It is due to the fact that during the load, a lot of blood flows to the muscles, and in order to restore balance the body narrows the vessels that take part in other processes, in this case, in digestion. In such situations, many people complain of seizures.
  3. It is worth mentioning one more unpleasant consequence of training after eating - the occurrence of heartburn, a gastroesophageal reflex and, in some cases, vomiting.
  4. Many women are trained in order to get rid of excess fat, so training immediately after a meal suppresses the ability of the body to spend having accumulated.

Many believe that it is best to exercise on an empty stomach, because during the digestion of food the body expends the energy that has it, and this reduces the effectiveness. First of all it concerns breakfast. A huge number of people, going on a morning run, drink only a cup of tea or coffee. Experts believe that this is a serious mistake, as the level of glycogen in the blood decreases during the night, so breakfast before exercise is mandatory. It is recommended to adhere to the golden mean, that is not to overeat, but not to starve. Morning meal should be easy. Specialists, reflecting on how much after the breakfast you can exercise, talk about a short time - 1 hour. This time is enough for the food to be assimilated.

Through how many it is possible to be engaged after meal by different kinds of sports?

The above time intervals are averaged values ​​that can vary for different sports. After a tight meal, you need to train no later than 3 hours. If the load during training will fall on the abdominal muscles, then it is recommended to increase the time. Breathing exercises and meditation should not be performed earlier than 3 hours after eating, and it is best to do this on an empty stomach.

As for when you can eat after training, it all depends on the desired result. If the goal is to lose weight, then it is recommended not to eat anything for at least an hour, and if you want to increase your body weight, then food intake should be immediately after the session and you need to eat something protein.