Thromboembolism - signs

Thromboembolism is a condition triggered by clotting of the arteries with blood clots, as a result of which blood transport is disrupted and cardiac arrest occurs. This disease holds a leading position among the factors of sudden death. Experts argue that thromboembolism, whose symptoms are very difficult to detect, very often occurs at all without any signs. In addition, common manifestations of the disease are often confused with other pathologies of the cardiovascular system, which greatly complicates the diagnosis and increases the risk of death.

Symptoms of thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery

The degree of manifestation of the disease depends on the scale of the organ damage, as well as on the condition of the vessels, heart and lungs of the patient. The most common signs are:

Thromboembolism of the lungs is manifested by such a symptom as pain in the sternum. In this case, its nature can be different. Some patients report a retrosternal cutting pain, in others it is tearing or burning. It should be noted that if the small branches of the arteries are damaged, the pain may not be felt at all.

With massive arterial thromboembolism, patients complain of symptoms such as:

As a rule, after a short period of time, the patient's condition is aggravated and a loss of consciousness sets in.

When listening to the chest with a stethoscope, rales and pleural friction are observed in the patients. In the absence of timely assistance, extensive thromboembolism eventually leads to death.

Symptoms of venous thromboembolism

Blockage of deep veins by a thrombus is a very dangerous condition, provoking the formation of new blood clots in the place of formation of a thrombus. By itself, this pathology does not pose a direct threat to life. But in many cases, it is rather quickly complicated by pulmonary thromboembolism.

The main complaints of patients with this pathology:

Quite often thrombosis of deep veins does not differ in obvious symptomatology, and only in 20-40% of cases it can be determined by the clinical picture.