Blood test for sugar

A blood test can diagnose a variety of diseases and shed light on the general condition of the body. The blood test for sugar is used not only to detect diabetes mellitus, deviation of glucose values ​​from the norm may be evidence of other disorders of the internal organs and pathological conditions of a person.

How to prepare for blood sugar analysis?

If you do not know how to properly take a blood test for sugar, use the advice of therapists:

  1. First, one day before the proposed analysis should stop drinking alcohol and smoking. Also, do not plan on the day before the analysis of a lavish feast, or a trip to a fast food restaurant.
  2. Secondly, the last meal should be easy, kefir or yoghurt will do. For 8-12 hours before donating blood there is nothing you can not. You can drink water, but not tea and coffee. It is advisable not to increase the amount of liquid drunk more than 2 liters.
  3. Thirdly, doctors recommend avoiding intense physical exertion, if they are, of course, not familiar to you.

Blood for the analysis of the level of glucose is taken from the finger, since the reagent is quite small amount of laboratory material for the study. Very good, if you can carry out this procedure in a state of mental equilibrium - from the excitement and experience, the sugar level usually rises a little.

The blood test for sugar is the norm

It is not difficult to pass blood, but it's more difficult to understand the results of the analysis on your own. And, nevertheless, it is quite possible even for an unprepared person - as a rule, on an extract from the laboratory, your indicators are indicated next to the rates of the norm. It is enough only to compare the numbers to see if everything is all right. Of course, only the doctor can fully take into account all the nuances and form correct conclusions, because the organism is different for all and it is necessary to take into account certain features of the functioning of internal organs, the transferred diseases and operations, as well as other factors. An increased level of glucose indicates diabetes, or disorders of the digestive and endocrine system. But low sugar is a sign of other diseases:

In children, women and men who do not suffer from serious diseases, the glucose level is within the range of 3.9-5.0 mmol / l. Abroad, the standard for measuring this indicator in mg / dL was adopted, in order to translate these figures into the usual ones, we should divide the result by 18.

If the primary blood test for sugar showed an increase in glucose levels, you should repeat the procedure 3-4 times in the next few days. Additionally, a blood test for sugar with a load can be assigned. Preparation for the analysis of blood for sugar of this type does not differ from the standard, but the procedure itself will be different. The researched person will need to measure the blood sugar level on an empty stomach, then drink a certain amount of aqueous glucose solution and measure the blood sugar level after 1 and after 2 hours. The name of this blood test for sugar depends on the rules of the specific laboratory, but the abbreviation TSG, a test for glucose tolerance, is especially widespread. Good values ​​of TSH are not higher than 5 mmol / l. In the state of prediabetes, these figures will rise to a level of 7.8-11.0 mmol / l.

The glucometer allows you to measure the blood sugar level yourself . It can be used both for the analysis of blood on an empty stomach, and for measurements of indicators in an hour and two after a meal. This device is very important for all diabetics, but it should be understood that in its work, certain errors are possible. Especially if you store the meter and strips for it in the open state.