New Year party in kindergarten senior group

Holding a winter holiday in a pre-school institution is perhaps the most important mission for a musical leader and educators. After all, the New Year party in the senior group in the kindergarten last, and so it would be desirable for children to stop time, to allow to enjoy childhood even slightly.

In order for the New Year party in the senior group to pass with a cheer, it will take several components - a script with dances, competitions, games, fairy-tale characters in beautiful costumes, as well as a well-learned repertoire of the holiday directly by the children.

Scenario for an interesting New Year party in the senior group

Finding a good and interesting scenario for a holiday is not easy. Especially if the songs and dances are repeated from year to year. I always want to reproduce something original, not like the others.

If the musical director does not have creative abilities, the ubiquitous Internet will help him to compose the script. Here you can find it for every taste, with a variety of fairy-tale heroes and already prepared words and dances.

As a rule, the storyline for the New Year party in the older group is a fairy tale. It can be unusual - the main thing that was interesting to children. In the script there is always necessarily Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden and any negative hero - Koshchei, Baba Yaga, who always want to prevent the holiday and prevent it. But good in the form of the main characters and their assistants (children) always wins, and the Christmas tree lights up with cheerful colorful lights.

Dancing for the New Year party in the senior group

Dance numbers on the New Year's holiday in the kindergarten are solo, as well as group, in which several children participate in the same costumes (snowflakes, princesses, snowmen) or the whole group.

The choreographer of the kindergarten, or the musical director, is engaged in the making of the dance. The Grandfather Frost leads along with the children and the Snow Maiden, and then, resting on a chair, watches the children perform. Negative heroes, as a rule, also dance their dance, which is more often than not solo.

Games on New Year's matinee in the senior group

No festive fun can not do without different competitions, games and similar fun. Christmas parties in the DOW for the senior group are held with active relay games , where all the children take part in turn. Often children are offered the following entertainment:

  1. "Hit the basket / bucket." Children are built in a line and the first standing should be "snowball" in the container. After that, he passes the baton to the next in the team.
  2. "Snowman". The participant of the game clamps his feet with a big ball and looks like a slow snowman. He as quickly as possible should run to the Christmas tree and go back without losing the ball.
  3. "Dress up a snowman." In this command game, children are asked to dress up a snowman, whose role is played by one of the present parents. In business there are the prepared subjects - plastic pails, hats, scarves, unprofitable noses. The team that wins the most votes wins.

Costumes for New Year's holiday

To New Year's matinee for the older group has become a real fairy carnival, moms will need to do their best, to prepare a baby colorful costume - buy ready, order or sew yourself.

The outfit should not only be bright and shiny, but also comfortable for the child. In addition, one should be attentive to the decor - it has the ability to break away at the most crucial moment. To make the matinee not clouded with tears, Mom will need to think through every detail.

It is not necessary to put on a child a very warm, closed suit - during the dancing he will be uncomfortable. And vice versa - if the garden is not too hot, then with too open dresses you should be careful.