Nodal erythema of lower extremities

Nodal erythema is a type of allergic vasculitis . This disease is characterized by the appearance of nodular formations on the lower limbs. It is noted, as well, and their symmetrical arrangement on both legs.

Causes of the disease

As the statistics show, the disease of the nodal erythema of the lower limbs is mainly affected by people of both sexes 20-30 years old. The most commonly diagnosed nodular erythema in women taking oral contraceptives or other hormonal drugs, as well as during pregnancy. Various groups of physicians and scientists note the relationship between the occurrence of erythema on the legs and certain diseases:

Symptoms of nodal erythema of the lower extremities

Before the appearance of nodal erythema, a general deterioration in the condition is noticed on the legs:

Then on the shins there are nodular formations of light pink color. To the touch, they have an elevated temperature and are painful on palpation. With the development of the disease, the color of the erythhem acquires a violet color, and after a week becomes purple. After recovery, skin pigmentation in place of the formations is retained for a long time.

Erythema has two varieties:

For the acute form of erythema, the above features are characteristic with an increase in body temperature to high indices. Full recovery occurs, approximately, in three-four weeks.

For chronic erythema, allergic vasculitis is characteristic. This type of disease has a prolonged course with frequent relapses. At the same time, the number of formations is small, but they persist for several months.

Treatment of nodal erythema

For external treatment of nodal erythema, drugs containing corticosteroids are most often used. The need for their use is determined by the attending physician, tk. their use can lead to undesirable consequences. In addition, the widespread use of physiotherapy treatment:

To reduce the manifestations of general intoxication of the body, antihistamines and antipyretic drugs are prescribed. In addition, a person with a diagnosis of nodal erythema is shown a strict bed rest and in some cases it is advisable to prescribe antibiotics.

Treatment of nodal erythema of the lower limbs during pregnancy passes only under the strict supervision of the doctor, tk. During this period against the background of the disease, the risk of heart complications is high. But, despite this, in some cases the disease in pregnant women passes itself after the second or third trimester.

Folk recipes

The use of infusions and decoctions according to the recipes of traditional medicine has not only a therapeutic effect with erythema, but also allows to strengthen the body and reduce the risk of a re-occurrence of the disease.

Recipe # 1:

  1. One tablespoon of dried flowers arnica mountain fall asleep in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. After that, the thermos must be sealed and left for the night.
  3. The next morning the infusion should be filtered and taken five to six times a day in a teaspoonful.

Recipe # 2:

  1. Grind one hundred gram of roots of mountain arnica and mix with pork fat and put on a quiet fire for 2-3 hours.
  2. Then the resulting ointment is cooled and used to rub the affected areas.

For the treatment of allergic erythema, a collection of herbs of string, sporicha , golden rod and nightshade, taken in equal parts:

  1. Pour a teaspoon of herbal mixture with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Insist for an hour.
  3. Take such a decoction in half a glass three times a day on an empty stomach.