Serous meningitis - consequences

Many diseases leave a trace in life and human health. Serious meningitis is one of them. However, the consequences worry the former patient only if the treatment of the disease was not started on time or was not conducted in a qualified manner.

Serous meningitis - symptoms and consequences

Signs of this disease can be severe headaches , especially in the temporal part, periodically increasing or decreasing body temperature, convulsions of limbs or the whole body, fever, light and noise, vomiting, abdominal pain. With advanced disease, the patient may experience hallucinations and even paralytic syndrome. The consequences of serous meningitis in adults can be quite serious. But usually it happens in those cases when the patient for a long time does not seek help from a doctor.

Diagnosis of meningitis

In order for the doctor to correctly prescribe the treatment of serous meningitis and to prevent consequences, it is necessary to diagnose the disease in time. First of all, the patient takes a puncture and examines the cerebrospinal fluid. Also looks the fundus, makes an x-ray of the skull, electroencephalography and tomography, blood tests, urine, feces are submitted. Based on the symptoms and results of tests and studies, a diagnosis of meningitis is made and its variety is determined.

Consequences after serous meningitis

What are the consequences after serous meningitis you better not know, and, accordingly, never get sick of this unpleasant disease. But even if this trouble has happened to you, you should not panic, you just need to call an ambulance and immediately begin treatment. The sooner assistance is provided, the greater the chance that the effects of enterovirus serous meningitis will not appear or they will be minimal.

A patient with a meningitis requires mandatory hospitalization, in no case should not be treated at home, tk. this can lead to death. No traditional medicine! Before the arrival of the doctor, the patient needs to provide peace, you can put a wet cold towel on the forehead, and provide a copious drink.

The patient is prescribed treatment with antibiotics, diuretics, and infusion therapy. In some cases, individual therapy is prescribed.

If the person who has been ill for too long drags and does not seek medical help, if he did not fulfill the prescription of the doctor, the consequences of serous meningitis can be:

Described are rare deaths, coma and paralysis. But with modern treatment, these options are virtually excluded. In addition, serous meningitis is not as bad as, for example, tuberculous meningitis.

Even with a favorable treatment, headaches may persist long enough. If they are concerned for more than two months, you need to consult your doctor and possibly go through an additional examination or just get professional advice.


The most effective protection against meningitis is vaccination. Children and adults are injected several times with a vaccine against the bacteria Haemophilus influenzae. In addition, it is very important in the treatment of colds and infectious diseases to follow the doctor's recommendations, to cure, not to tolerate the disease on his legs. You can not squeeze out various pimples and boils on the face and neck. For treatment of sinusitis, you must contact the polyclinic without fail. It is not recommended to swim in unknown sources, drink unchecked water.

Listen to your body, let it rest take vitamins and do not be ill!