Lymphocytes are lowered

The main function of these immune cells is the correct formation of a protective reaction of the organism in response to the penetration of viruses. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the results of a blood test and take appropriate measures if the lymphocytes are lowered even slightly or their amount is rejected from normal parameters, to monitor the concentration.

Causes of a low lymphocyte count in the blood

Admissible levels of the immune cells in question are from 18 to 40%. Variations in this range are possible with stress, overfatigue, in women, fluctuations are sometimes caused by the onset of the menstrual cycle.

The lowered level of lymphocytes in the blood indicates the development of lymphopenia. This condition is characterized by the migration of the cells described from the biological fluid circulating in the vessels to the tissues where the inflammatory process begins. The following pathologies can be the cause:

It should be noted that these factors are characteristic of absolute lymphopenia. This means almost complete absence of any kinds of lymphocytes in the blood.

The relative form of this condition indicates that the percentage of lymphocytes to the other cell types in the leukocyte formula is disturbed. As a rule, such lymphopenia is eliminated easier and faster, as it is not always a sign of severe inflammatory processes.

In pregnant women, the number of lymphocytes is also often reduced. This is due to the natural mechanism that allows the ovum to fertilize. Otherwise (while maintaining the normal level of immune cells), lymphocytes would perceive male genes as foreign and, accordingly, contribute to the formation of an aggressive response, blocking their penetration, and thus excluding the possibility of pregnancy.

Lymphocytes are lowered and monocytes are elevated in the blood test

The reaction of the immune system consists in the absorption of foreign pathogenic cells, and then in their elimination. In this process, monocytes and lymphocytes participate, so their percentage in the blood is important, indicating the presence or absence of inflammation. Deviations in the concentration of these cells from normal rates indicate an infectious or viral disease.

An increase in the concentration of monocytes, when lymphocytes in the blood are lowered, causes the following reasons:

It should be noted that the factors contributing to such a change in the number of immune cells may be simpler diseases, for example, influenza, acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory infections.

Mononucleosis is rarely accompanied by a simultaneous decrease in the number of lymphocytes, this is typical only for the early stages of the disease. In the further development of its development, the concentration of cells increases proportionally with monocytes, and in a very short time.