Corn in the diet

Corn - this queen of fields is loved by many people both in the home country and abroad. Its grains are used for cooking flour and cereal, cereals, popcorn and other products, and how many ways to prepare it exist for different peoples of the world! However, many doubt whether it is possible to eat corn with a diet, because it is quite a sweet and satisfying product.

Corn during a diet

Strangely enough, but the calorie content of this culture varies between 100-120 Kcal per 100 g, so it is not only possible, but it is also necessary to use it during weight loss. It has a number of useful properties: it saturates the body with vitamins E, A, D, K, group B, folic acid, numerous minerals, carotenoids, fiber , etc. The latter must be present in the diet of people with excess weight, because it cleanses the intestines and promotes normal peristalsis. Canned grains are worse for combating extra pounds, because they are 5 times sweeter and contain a lot of salt, but you can eat cooked corn with a diet, most importantly - do not sprinkle with salt and do not grease with butter, as many people like.

Salt retains fluid in the body, and oil increases the caloric content of the product, which is undesirable when losing weight. It is best to cook the cobs for steaming, boiling or baking with vegetables. Surprisingly, having a low calorie content, this culture can well satisfy hunger, but this is very important in the fight for a slender figure. In addition, it reduces the concentration of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, acting as a prevention of heart and vascular diseases, which often go hand in hand with obesity.

However, the diet for cooked corn should not be "one-sided". That is, to adhere to mono-diet is not recommended, but to enrich this culture with its food will be an excellent solution. It is good as a snack, and dessert. Boiled grain can be frozen and the entire cold season pamper yourself with a summer bright and tasty product.