Gymnastics Bubnovsky for beginners

Today, many health professionals are ready to share their experiences, developing techniques to maintain the body is normal. One of them is Bubnovsky S. M. He is the creator of the system of alternative orthopedics and neurology based on the performance of certain sets of exercises. If, in the traditional sense, such diseases are treated with tablets, ointments and corsets, then Bubnovsky's joint exercises for beginners suggest lifting the reserve forces of the body, activating them with special exercises.

Gymnastics by the method of Bubnovsky

The main merit of Dr. Bubnovsky is that he proposed muscular and bone ailments with kinesitherapy, i.e. movement. Now the patient does not entrust his health to the doctor, but personally makes efforts for his own recovery. Of course, Bubnovsky's adaptive gymnastics, in addition to its general version, has a hundred individual varieties.

Doctor Bubnovsky: gymnastics for beginners for the spine

Among the most different types of exercises, Bubnovsky's gymnastics for beginners is distinguished by its softness and focus on pain reduction. Consider the exercises that are offered in the system:

  1. Relaxation and deflection of the back. Stand on your knees, rest your hands on the floor, on the exhalation bend your back, on inhalation - bend over. Perform the exercise smoothly, gently, just 20 times.
  2. Stretching muscles. Stand on your knees, rest your palms on the floor, pull your right leg back, while sitting on your left leg. It must be pulled forward as far as possible. Repeat for each leg 20 times.
  3. Slopes. Stand on your knees, rest your hands on the floor, pull the body forward as much as possible, without trough in the lower back. Keep your balance.
  4. Stretching of the back muscles . Sit on all fours, then exhale flex your arms in the elbows and pull the body to the floor. As you exhale, stretch out your arms while sitting down on your heels. Repeat 5-6 times.
  5. "The halo." Lie on your back, hands along the body. On exhalation, lift the pelvis as high as possible by making a half-stitch, and lower the pelvis on the inhalation. Repeat 20 times.

This complex of gymnastics according to the Bubnovsky system has long proved its effectiveness in the fight against back pain, as well as in the quality of their prevention.

Adaptive gymnastics of Bubnovsky for beginners

If you are just starting to heal your joints according to the proposed system, you should first take an adaptive gymnastics course that will help you easily get used to the stresses and prepare your body for them.

  1. Sit on your heels, relax and breathe, rising on inspiration and performing circular movements with your hands. Exhalation - sitting on the heels. Repeat 20 times.
  2. Put your hands on your stomach, and through the tightly compressed lips, make the sound "PF!" On exhalation. Repeat 20 times.
  3. Lying on his back, knees bent, hands behind his head. On exhalation, break away from the floor, inhale - return. Repeat 20 times.
  4. Lying on his back, knees bent, hands behind his head. On an exhalation raise the pelvis, and at the same time shifting the knees. Repeat 20 times.
  5. The situation is the same. It is necessary to be grouped on an exhalation: to lift a trunk and legs and to try to reduce knees and elbows. Repeat 20 times.
  6. Lying on the right side, rest on the floor with your lower arm and group, pulling your knees to your chest. Repeat 20 times for each side.

Gymnastics for joints on Bubnovsky if in the open access on the Internet, and on DVD-disks. It is much more convenient to deal with such a virtual trainer, because there are things that are better to see once than to hear or read a hundred times. Do not forget about the regime of breathing, calmness and smoothness of each movement, and then the system will be effective and painless.