Geiger - planting and care in the open ground, secrets of cultivation

An unusual decoration of the territory will be geiger, planting and care in the open ground beyond which does not require special conditions, as in nature the plant lives in mountainous poor areas. There are a lot of varieties, so you can create original compositions.

Geiger - landing

First you need to choose a suitable place for planting. Take into account the fact that planting flowers Geicher in the open ground can occur next to other perennials, because this culture is not aggressive. As for the soil, the plant likes light and nutritious soils, in which water does not stagnate. Sour earth is unacceptable. Before planting, it is recommended to introduce large river sand or pebbles into the soil as drainage.

Geicher - planting seeds

If this method of cultivation is chosen, it is necessary to take into account that as a result the seedlings will retain few varietal and specific features. There are a number of tips on how to grow geyheers from seeds:

  1. The planting material for seedlings should be planted in March or April. Everything depends on the climatic zone. When choosing seeds, note that they retain their germination for a maximum of six months.
  2. Use a wide container, the height of which is at least 5 cm and with good drainage holes. The soil can be any, most importantly, not acidic and friable. Hand it with boiling water, and then cool and allow to dry before sowing.
  3. Seeds are spread over the surface of the soil, which should be slightly moist. Deepen them not necessary. Spray, draining the water on the walls of the tank. Top with a film or glass, to create the conditions of the greenhouse.
  4. Place the container with the seeds in a bright place. It is important to avoid drafts.
  5. From time to time, take shelter to ventilate the plantations. This procedure should last no more than half an hour. The ideal temperature for germination is 20-22 ° C.
  6. After 2-3 weeks, shoots should appear. After that, make a few holes in the film or raise the glass, but do not remove the cover completely.
  7. After the appearance of three real leaves, a pick is performed. Note that there should be a distance of 4-6 cm between the plants. Make sure that the soil does not dry out, for example, spray the plantings from the spray gun.
  8. From the middle of May, you can start seedling seedlings. Take it out into the open air, but first no more than 5-10 minutes, and then increase the time.
  9. To get a good Geiger, planting and care in the open ground is carried out from early June. Plant the seedlings so that between the bushes was a distance of 20-25 cm.

When to plant a geiger in an open ground?

Like other plants, the presented decorative culture will not suffer planting in the cold season. If you are interested in planting a geycher in open ground, the answer is in the spring, when night frosts are completely excluded. If the autumn is warm and long, then you can land at this time. It is important to take into account that the obligatory procedure in the autumn is mulching the soil and using for this purpose better wood ash or bark. Mulch will be removed in spring.

Geiger - landing site

Experienced gardeners recommend planting this ornamental culture outdoors in suitable places. She feels fine on shaded areas, therefore it is recommended to have bushes on the east or west side. Suitable and the territory under a sprawling tree and the like. Under the conditions of growing geyhery it is indicated that it can grow on solar plots, but regular watering is important here. Teach that decorative varieties under the sun become even more attractive.

Growing geychery in the garden

In addition to the basic procedures (watering and feeding), there are other useful tips that relate to geychey, planting and care in the open field:

  1. If the seeds of the plant are not needed, then to preserve beauty it is recommended to remove peduncles immediately after their appearance. If flowering varieties were planted, then remove the peduncles after wilting the buds.
  2. Often, adult bushes lose their lower leaves, and this negatively affects decorativeness. In this case, it is recommended to transplant them to another place before flowering.
  3. One of the secrets of growing geyhery in the open ground is that since the root system of this culture is superficial, it is necessary to mulch for its protection. Use for this purpose straw, sawdust or compost .
  4. To open the flower is not frozen in winter, it is recommended to cover it with lapnika or overgone foliage. In spring, take cover when it really warms up. Under the roots, you can pour a little warm water with mineral fertilizers.

Care for the Geikhera in the spring

Experienced gardeners argue that often the plant dies in the early spring, and this is due to the fact that the leaves under the influence of a warm sun begin to quickly evaporate moisture, and compensate for the lack of a flower from the cold earth flower. To prevent this, taking care of geyshera in the garden in the open ground means creating an artificial shadow, for example, using a box to cover the bush. If the spring is dry, do not forget about regular and abundant watering so that the soil around it is always moderately moist.

Watering Geiger

For growing plants in the open ground, regular watering is of great importance. This is especially important in spring and summer. With a lack of moisture, the leaves begin to dry, and the bush loses its decorative effect. For the correct growth of geichers, caring for it in the open ground implies the moistening of the entire arable layer. Note that it is also not advisable to fill it, because the roots will rot. Irrigation is recommended in the morning or evening, when the sun does not burn.

Geiger flowers - top dressing

It has already been mentioned that in nature this culture grows in poor soils, therefore it is possible to grow them without additional fertilizing, but this does not apply to decorative varieties. In addition, to make the bushes fully pleasing to the eye, it is better not to stint on the introduction of nutrients. Includes care in the spring top dressing geyhery complex mineral fertilizer . Do this in the first year after planting. Note that for this culture, the dosage indicated on the package by the manufacturer is cut in half.

Geiger flowers - reproduction

To increase the number of plantings, several methods can be used. About how to multiply the culture of seeds, it was told earlier, but there are other options:

  1. Use of cuttings. To carry out care and reproduction of geichers in the open ground in this way, after the flowering, take the side processes. Cut the shank together with a fragment of the rosette. If it is long, cut it into short fragments 3-4 cm long. Be sure to process the lower cut with the root stimulator. Cuttings should be planted in prepared wells filled with loose peaty soil and covered with a film or jar to create a greenhouse effect, but the plant should not be too hot. Rooting takes place during the month.
  2. Division of the bush. Most often for reproduction, this option is used. Adult geyhera, planting and care in the open ground, which is carried out according to the rules, needs a transplant. It is better to do this for 3-4 years. During this, divide the bush into several parts, it is important that everyone has 2-3 sockets. Cut the stems to a new fabric. If there are damaged roots, they must be removed, and cut the sections with "Kornevin". It is recommended to fill the hole with compost and put drainage - large sand or gravel. Rooting will occur in 1,5-2 months.

Diseases of geyechers

The significant advantages of the plant include its resistance to various diseases and pests when growing outdoors. In rare cases, the following problems are possible:

  1. If decorativity disappears, this indicates that the care is being done incorrectly.
  2. When growing geyhery in the open ground watering is excessive, then there is a risk of decaying the roots. In this case, it is necessary to excavate the bush, remove all diseased areas and root in a mixture of peat and sand.
  3. Rare, but it is possible the appearance on the leaves of powdery mildew or patchiness. For treatment, special treatment is performed.