What kind of herbs can I drink during pregnancy?

The arsenal of medicinal and restorative plants is really great - you can find here a remedy for almost all ailments. Of course, in ordinary life, we rarely resort to the help of nature, because it is much faster to drink a pill than to mess with herbal decoctions and infusions. Completely different things are during pregnancy - caring mothers, trying to protect the crumb from the negative effects of medicines, remember folk recipes and grandmother's advice. However, many forget that some plants are so powerful that they can harm a pregnant woman and her baby, and some even lead to a miscarriage. That is why today we will tell you which herbs you can drink during pregnancy, and what is their main purpose.

What herbs can be in pregnancy - list

In the green medicine cabinet there is a mass of remedies for colds, in which women are more prone than others. Answering the question, what herbs can be drunk during pregnancy in this situation, doctors advise:

  1. Linden blossom. The broth has anti-inflammatory, soothing, antiseptic and immunomodulating action. Lime tea is a delicious and aromatic drink, it can be consumed by its future mother throughout pregnancy, both for preventive purposes, and with bronchitis, pneumonia, edema, neuroses - frequent companions of women during the period of bearing a baby.
  2. Cramping with a cold and cough will help and chamomile. The spectrum of action of this plant is huge. Decoction can gargle, use inside if there is a failure in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous excitability and anxiety.
  3. Leaves of black currant - a storehouse of vitamin C and other useful trace elements. Such a drink will help the immune system to quickly cope with infection and viruses. In addition, tea from the leaves of black currant normalizes the work of the kidneys.
  4. With dry cough, pain, and perspiration, the plantain and sage come to the aid of the throat . Decoctions of these herbs are used for inhalation and rinsing, they relieve irritation, inflammation, have a calming effect.
  5. If the pregnant woman needs an expectorant, she will need cranberries, yarrow and eucalyptus.

Another attack, which does not give rest to pregnant women, is swelling. Fortunately, this problem can also be managed through traditional medicine. So, what diuretic herbs you can drink during pregnancy, we list:

  1. Decoction and infusion of cowberries. To get the desired effect, you can brew both berries and plant leaves. Such a drink will relieve swelling, enrich the body with vitamins, normalizes the work of the intestines.
  2. Infusion of leaves and buds of birch will also help to normalize the excretory system and remove excess fluid from the body.
  3. It has long been famous for its diuretic properties of dogrose.
  4. Also, when answering the question, what diuretic herbs you can drink during pregnancy, do not forget about the cranberry. Cranberry juice is a very tasty and healthy drink, but it's not worth it to abuse, because you can provoke an allergy.