Nyvyanik - growing from seeds

In this material, we will talk about the Nivian and its growing from seeds. It is unlikely that there is at least one gardener who does not know what a Nivian looks like, because his middle name is a camomile garden. This flower is very popular among gardeners, because it blooms beautifully, especially unpretentious to care and a landing site. But still, to grow a daisy in all its glory, you need to have some knowledge.

General information

The flower nivyanik (camomile garden) is a plant resistant to negative temperatures. Culture refers to a vast family of Compositae. The stem of this flower can reach a height of up to one meter (depending on the variety chosen for sowing). The flowers themselves are usually white, but there are also multi-colored hybrid varieties. This garden beautiful flower blooms twice in one season, the first flowering somewhere in the middle of summer, and the second - closer to the beginning of autumn. Especially beautifully blossom colored varieties of Niviana, planted on one flower bed.

This flower will feel the best in an open area under direct sunlight. Primer this plant prefers easy and well drained, but with a low content of sand. Water during irrigation should quickly seep to the roots, but it is highly undesirable that it stagnate there. Also, the soils that abound with clay are not categorically suitable. Planting chamomiles on it is a big mistake, the flowers in damp will be constantly affected by fungal and bacterial diseases. It is also very important that when growing the niwiana, it was in the sun throughout the daylight hours. Growing in partial shade, the chamomile has weak roots and a stem.

Planting and care

Planting nivyanika seeds can start from the fall or early spring, as soon as the snow comes down. To do this, the ground is first dug up, loosened, and peat mulched on top. Seeds should be sown in pre-made grooves depth of 2-3 centimeters. Sowing crops can be expected somewhere by the end of the third week after sowing. If the crop was grown in a permanent place, the chamomile should be slightly thinned and planted so that between the plants was a distance of five centimeters. There is another advice, how to grow a healthy and abundantly flowering nivian from seeds. Be sure to feed young plants! For this, the plants are slightly digged, and in the pits obtained, compost is added, mixed with the excavated soil. After that, plants need frequent but moderate watering for 2-3 days.

The garden planted with seeds of camomile garden begins only a year later, but then grows and blooms on a permanent place for 4-5 years! Proper planting and caring for the nymph is very important for the normal development of the plant. But no less important are the protective measures that must necessarily be taken to protect young plants from diseases and insects.

Most of all, this plant suffers from the invasion of small pakostnits - meadow thrips. These small garden pests literally stash flowers, which then start to hurt and wilt. From this misfortune seasonal treatments very well help Insecticides, such as "Bazudin", "Intavir" or "Fosbetsid." Just remember that to obtain a long-term effect, these treatments are best done at intervals of every two weeks, and with the invasion of insects, perhaps more often.

In order to avoid fungal and bacterial diseases of the flower, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil, it must be loose and dry. If at the base of the stem appears a touch of grayish shade, then immediately apply the Bordeaux mixture .

Give your garden lovers a little attention, and they will thank you with a beautiful flowering in the flower beds until the very late autumn.