Fragment - growing from seeds

A flower is a perennial flowering plant, which is preferred by a temperate climate. Use it for decorative purposes to decorate the gardens, since the jasper is a plant unpretentious and livable. In addition, the jask creates an atmosphere in the garden, as in the Alpine mountains - its small white flowers are very tender and natural, it seems that the pussy grew in the garden itself, and was not planted there by the hands of a man. But let's get more acquainted with this beautiful plant and the conditions of its planting, as well as care for it.

Fragment - planting and care

The easiest way to grow a jask from seeds. This is less troublesome than dividing cuttings, besides, the seeds of the sponge are simply bought. First, seeds are seeded on seedlings for seedlings. The seed germination is very good and the shoots appear about a week after sowing. Only two or three weeks after emergence of sprouts, they must be dived. You can transplant the jasper into a pot if you are going to grow it at home or on a flower bed, if you grow it in the garden. Care of seedlings at first requires the most minimal - exclusively watering. You can not tolerate the drying of the soil, but also the jask does not like too much moisture, that is, it will be necessary to find the golden mean here. The place for planting the puppies should be selected in penumbra or in the sun, open sun rays to this plant is not a hindrance. The type of soil for the sponge does not play any special role, its only requirement is good drainage .

Growing up and care for a puppy

After the landing of the jask is made, special care for it will not be added. Unpretentiousness is a huge advantage of this plant, which makes it extremely convenient for cultivation even for those who are just beginning to learn the secrets of gardening.

  1. Watering . As already mentioned, watering the jask needs moderate. In principle, it can be said that watering is the most important part of caring for the jask, since fertilizing is not something obligatory - the plant feels fine without them. Therefore, watering should be given due attention and do not allow the drying of the soil or its excessive moistening.
  2. Trimming . Desiccated flowers and leaves must necessarily be cut, then the plant will be more beautifully formed, and it also affects the quality of its flowering - the jask is more pleasant than it feels, and therefore develops better.
  3. Top dressing . Previously, it was said that feeding a sponge is not something obligatory and it is true, although, like any other plant, a little help in the form of feeding a pin is not a hindrance. You can fertilize the jask several times during the summer - this will be enough for her. For fertilization it is best to use ready-made mixtures of the type, such as "Rainbow".
  4. Reproduction . The simplest way is to multiply the spleen with seeds that mature in the capsules about twenty days after the spleen fades. The seed of the sponge gives a lot, so this way of reproducing it is very convenient. But you can also multiply the jask and with the help of cuttings or dividing the bush. The division can be carried out either in early spring (in colder climates) or in autumn (in the climate warmer). And cuttings are taken in early summer.

The jasmine - will become a worthy decoration of your garden, which does not require special care and attention on your part. It should also be noted that one of the most popular among the gardeners varieties of the jask is a variety of Biskershteel. Flowers of this variety have a very beautiful shape, which attracts gardeners. In addition, this variety is distinguished by good endurance to diseases.