Erythema - treatment

Erythema is a pathological condition in which an increased blood flow occurs to the capillaries in the skin, which causes a strong reddening of the skin and even a rash.

Causes of the disease

Factors contributing to erythema, may be of a physiological nature: psychoemotional changes or skin reaction to mechanical influences. Nonphysiological reasons include infectious diseases, oral contraceptives and sulfanilamide drugs.

How to treat erythema?

Types of the disease:

  1. Knotty.
  2. Poliforme (multiforme) exudative.
  3. Centrifugal.
  4. Toxic.

The first type is characterized by the appearance of painful subcutaneous inflammatory elements, localized on the forearms, hips and anterior leg area. Before you begin to treat erythema nodosum, you should find out its cause. In general, these are streptococcal infections and mononucleosis.

Therapy of such erythema should begin with the sanation of affected areas and the elimination of a primary infectious disease. Corticosteroid preparations for oral administration, as well as compresses with dimexide, are prescribed.

Multiform erythema requires long intensive treatment, since it is the most severe form of the disease. It is accompanied by a strong temperature increase, joint pain, the formation of exudative blisters on the skin, which, after permission, leave painful erosion.

Treatment consists of the use of potent antibiotics, injections of corticosteroid hormones, disaggregants, the use of iodide alkalis locally.

The third type of pathology is characterized by the presence of round red plaques on the skin, which gradually increase in diameter, forming ring-shaped rashes without the formation of blisters and open wounds.

Centrifugal erythema involves short-term treatment, consisting in the administration of antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs with analgesic action and local application of corticosteroid ointments.

Toxic erythema often occurs in children in infancy . It is characterized by extensive rashes of croup type, which do not cause any particular inconveniences and do not involve an increase in body temperature.

In general, the treatment of toxic erythema is not carried out, it passes on its own after 10-14 days. In severe cases, antiallergic medicines, adaptogens and vitamin therapy are prescribed.

Treatment of erythema with folk remedies

Treatment of erythema with folk remedies consists of local compresses with herbal decoctions of anti-inflammatory action, for example, chamomile flowers, linden, St. John's wort leaves and oak bark. It should be noted that folk methods can only alleviate the symptoms of the disease, and not cure it.