Cyst in the nose

The cyst in the nose is a pathological formation with liquid contents located in the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses. This cyst is not a malignant tumor, but, since it partially blocks the maxillary sinus (most often to the lower one), it hinders breathing and makes the patient uncomfortable.

Causes of the appearance of a cyst in the nose

The glands located in the nasal mucosa, produce and moisturize the nasal cavity. They have special ducts. It is through them that mucus enters the nasopharynx cavity. If the ducts are partially or completely blocked, mucus accumulates and a cyst is formed. In this case, the glands continue to work, which leads to a permanent increase in the size of the cyst of the main sinus of the nose.

The main causes of obstruction of the ducts of the mucous glands are:

Symptoms of a cyst in the sinus of the nose

Very often the cyst in the nose develops without showing symptoms, and it is discovered accidentally. In some cases, a person can live a lifetime with such an education and not know about it. But basically the cyst of the sinuses of the nose is characterized by such symptoms:

Patients who are engaged in water sports, at a depth of pain in the area where the cyst is located.

Diagnosis of the cyst in the nose

An effective and rapid method of diagnosing a cyst in the sinus of the nose is an x-ray. You can detect this formation by puncturing the paranasal sinusitis. But the most informative method for this disease is computed tomography. It is this study that allows you to determine both the size of the cyst and its position.

Treatment of a cyst in the nose

The consequences of ignoring the cyst in the sinus of the nose can be quite serious. Therefore, the treatment begins immediately after the diagnosis has been diagnosed. The most effective method to combat this problem is surgical intervention. But in some cases, cysts can not be removed. The operation is carried out exclusively in the presence of certain indications: with a completely closed frontal-nasal canal or with a large cyst size.

If the cyst in the nose is removed surgically, a sinus incision is made under the upper lip of the patient. This procedure is very traumatic and after it requires a long recovery. But the main disadvantage of the operation is that after opening the sinus wall it is never completely restored. The incision site overgrows with scars, but the normal functioning of the mucous gland is disrupted.

Another effective treatment for cysts in the nose is its removal with the help of endoscopic technique. This is a less painful method and it has very few contraindications. In addition, after completion of the procedure, the sinuses resume their normal functioning. Endoscopic method involves the removal of the cyst through the natural openings of the sinuses.

To solve this problem it is possible and with the help of a phytodrain spray. This remedy completely cleans the sinuses and dilutes the clot formed. It can be used in almost all cases, as it regenerates the local tissue susceptibility, restores the natural functionality of the mucosa and does not leave undesirable consequences.