Remedy for burns

To effectively treat the burn, you need to act quickly and carefully. After assessing the degree of skin lesion, carry out the necessary actions, allowing to minimize the consequences of trauma.

The best remedy for burns

If the burn is easy, you can treat at home. To do this, you need to pick up a tool that has universal abilities. So, the properties that an ideal remedy for burns should possess:

Of course, there is absolutely no means that satisfies all requirements. Moreover, the degree and origin of the burn can be different. Therefore, the means of treatment should be selected accordingly to the resulting injury. You can not treat a chemical burn in the same way as a thermal burn, and medicines for burns resulting from contact with plant and animal poisons are not applicable for either the first or second type of burn.

Effective remedy for burns

In order not to make a mistake in choosing, it is worthwhile to consider in more detail the properties of various drugs in their structure. For example, the consistency of an ointment or cream is suitable for deeper burns, but only at later stages of healing. Such drugs have a longer period of action, they can penetrate deep layers of the skin. They promote the regeneration of tissues, prevent the formation of scars.

The gel from burns has a light structure. It is better applied in the form of a spray, creating a light foam on the surface of the burn wound. Therefore, there is no need to additionally act on a painful place, distributing the product over the skin. This form of anti-burn agent is well suited for immediate action with light burns.

The most effective remedy for any burn is a drug that is used as a first aid. If the degree of injury excludes the use of thick preparations at the time of the first treatment, bactericidal solutions that help to avoid complications of the burn wound are used.

Means for the treatment of burns

Pharmaceutical companies, considering all the needs of the victims, offer several types of drugs. All modern medicines for burns are produced in a convenient form and can eliminate almost all the consequences of 1st and 2nd degree burns. Here are some of the most popular drugs:

Remedy for burns - panthenol. It is widely used for the treatment of 1st degree burns in the form of a gel. When applied to the skin, it forms a stable foam of light structure. Has regenerative abilities, quickly penetrates into the skin layers, restores the damaged structure of the skin. In the form of ointments or creams, panthenol is recommended for the faster healing of cutaneous wounds after the removal of dead skin particles, not only with burns, but also with cracks and other wound injuries.

Antimicrobial and anesthetic for burns - dioksizol. This drug has bactericidal properties. It also includes local anesthetics, which make it possible to relieve the pain symptom with burns.

Means for healing burns - actovegin. Just like panthenol, it is available in the form of gel, cream and ointment. It has a wound-healing effect, it helps to protect the burn wound from infection. The gel is used in the first stages of the burn treatment. As healing is used in the next order cream, then - ointment.

Home remedies for burns

Of course, it is better if the ready-made remedy for burns is always at hand. But it also happens that there was nothing suitable in the house, and there's no way to escape to the pharmacy. Then you can quickly prepare the best remedy for a burn at home:

  1. Separate the protein of several eggs.
  2. Beat the protein until it forms a foam.
  3. Apply a cool foam to the burn after cooling the injury under a stream of cool water.

It is worth remembering that home remedies are good only in cases of light burns. They help to remove redness and small swelling, in some cases relieve pain, but can become a source of infection.

Be careful! Do not use home remedies for severe burns with deep skin damage.